The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ex-Teenage Hooker Says She Was Forced to Have Sex With British Royalty

Let’s make a few things clear at the outset: Jeffrey Epstein is disgusting scum; British royalty are disgusting scum; and I do not approve of prostitution. These disclaimers are necessary because brutal sarcasm is considered inappropriate when reporting weird stories like this: A woman who claims that an American investment banker loaned her to rich and […]

Emerging Awareness Update: The Real Bisexual Housewives of Beverly Hills

Oh, did I say “bisexual”? I meant “indiscriminately slutty”: Brandi Glanville is getting very candid about her love for the ladies. During a visit to HuffPost Live this week, the outspoken Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star opened up about her bisexual tendencies. “I don’t swing both ways, I’ve been with women and usually there’s […]

The Rape of Credibility: Feminism’s Agenda and the Jackie Coakley Scandal

@ChuckCJohnson reports that the young woman pictured above is named Jackie Coakley, and that she was the main source for Rolling Stone‘s sensational (and now discredited) story about an alleged 2012 gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity house. Can I say for certain that Coakley has been correctly identified? I cannot, but (a) […]

Emerging Awareness Update

In last year’s Windsor decision, the Supreme Court decided that its own “Emerging Awareness” Doctrine made sodomy the lawful equivalent of holy matrimony. Those of us who criticized that decision were ridiculed as alarmists for warning that Justice Anthony Kennedy’s decree would have bad consequences. Am I the only one who has noticed that the […]

‘I Suffer From Oppression’

So says @JaclynArcher in a column for Eastern Washington University’s student newspaper, The Easterner: What is oppression? According to the Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology “Social oppression is a concept that describes a relationship between groups or categories . . . of people in which a dominant group benefits from the systematic abuse, exploitation, and injustice […]

‘Got Issues? Lube! Lube! Lube!’

Chicago schools are having what is called a “controversy,” a word that means parents found out what their children are learning: Parents at a Near West Side school say they are “shocked” and “horrified” after viewing a new sex education curriculum intended for fifth-graders, saying the way the information is presented is over the top […]

L.A. Schools Argue Girl, 14, Legally Consented to Sex With Teacher, 28

Love and lawyers and “education” in the 21st century: Los Angeles Unified School District lawyers fighting a civil lawsuit argued in court that a 14-year-old middle school student was mature enough to consent to having sex with her 28-year-old teacher, and that she bore some responsibility for what happened. The district’s attorneys also introduced the […]

Harvard #SexWeek Punch Lines

Years ago, when I was covering education for a newspaper in Georgia — when my oldest daughter (now 25) was in kindergarten and my twin sons (now 22) were just toddlers — I came to the conclusion that “sex education” in schools is (a) morally corrupting and (b) a harmful waste of taxpayer money. As […]

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