The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nickelodeon’s #MeToo Moment: Producer Dan Schneider Fired Amid Rumors

Dan Schneider, alleged pervert. Monday afternoon, Nickelodeon children’s TV network dumped producer Dan Schneider and, as Deadline’s Nellie Andreeva writes, “for years Schneider had been under a cloud of suspicion over the treatment of some younger stars of his shows”: Among the things that have raised eyebrows are his tweeted photos of the toes of […]

Dopehead Sex Fiends

  It was notorious among dopeheads, back in the day, that chicks always got free dope. At least, good-looking chicks did. Maybe ugly chicks paid for dope, but a good-looking chick? Never. In hindsight, we can understand the transactional nature of why chicks didn’t pay for dope, and say that they actually did pay for […]

Dear GOP: No Zipper Problems, Please

Last week, I got a phone call from a reporter, asking if I had contact information for a certain conservative woman. No, I did not, but the request aroused my curiosity — what’s a journalist, if not curious? — and after a bit of badgering, the reporter disclosed to me that he had obtained screen […]

The Attitude

Mike Damone explains ‘The Attitude.’ Why do some guys win with the ladies and some guys always lose? When I occasionally read the kind of “advice” (if you could call it that) emerging from the so-called “Manosphere,” sometimes I’m troubled by the mood of despair and resentment expressed by these congeries of losers. Let’s face […]

Did a Democrat Candidate Harass a Democrat Woman in Toledo?

This is a genuinely strange story: A woman has gone to Facebook to accuse former Mayor Mike Bell of inappropriately touching her at a Toledo bar Friday night, allegations Mr. Bell denies. Allison Dow, 29, of Toledo’s Old West End, said Mr. Bell made an unwelcome sexual comment and touched her buttocks late Friday at […]

Sex Scandal Hits Foreign Billionaire Who Gave $5 Million to Clinton Foundation

Hansjorg Wyss is a 79-year-old Swiss business mogul who is “a generous donor to major liberal groups like the Center for American Progress and longtime financial patron of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta.” In December, Wyss made a $5 million commitment to Hillary Clinton’s “No Ceilings” women’s empowerment project at the Clinton Foundation. However, Wyss […]

Lesbian Harassment in College? Lawsuit Alleges ‘Sexually Charged’ Hazing

Earlier this month, St. Joseph’s University announced it had suspended its women’s softball program after “a parent and student came forward in late March, alleging freshman had been forced to drink alcohol and engage in sexual conduct when they joined the team in the fall.” Four players were suspended in April after reports of what […]

Virginia Democrat Lawmaker Admits Fathering Baby With Teenage Girl

Washington Free Beacon reports: Virginia Democrat Joe Morrissey admittedon Wednesday morning that he is the father of a child with a teenage girl who was his former secretary, though he denied that he had a sexual relationship with the girl while fighting the charges in court. Morrissey faced multiple felony charges that could have put him […]

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