Alleged Pederast Harry Reid Disregards Senate Rules, and Also Craves Boy Flesh
EXCLUSIVE—MUST CREDIT ACE OF SPADES HQ: Harry Reid's Office Responds To Rumors That He's A Pederast — AoSHQ (@AoSHQ) August 3, 2012 HARRY REID DOESN’T DENY PEDERASTY ALLEGATIONS. — (@instapundit) August 3, 2012 @TwitchyTeam @AceofSpadesHQ @DrewMTips Does anyone remember an official *denial* by the Senator from NAMBLA? — Robert Stacy McCain […]
Vichy GOP Irritates Dan Riehl. Unwise.
by Smitty Over at Breitbart, “Did the NRSC’s Josh Holmes Just Cost Mitch McConnell His Primary?” Sorry, Mitch. I honestly had considered using my little platform here to try and encourage friends and fans to give you a pass, while shifting more time and money over to taking out Landrieu in LA. Thanks to your […]
Harry Reid Refuses to Compromise
Explain to me again how this is the GOP’s fault? Congress took another step toward a government shutdown Monday as the Senate voted 54-46 to strip language from a House funding bill that delayed ObamaCare by a year. . . . Democrats also eliminated language allowing employers to opt out of providing insurance coverage of […]
Shutdown Monday: Blame Harry Reid
The New York Times: The Senate is expected to reject decisively a House bill that would delay the full effect of President Obama’s health care law as a condition for keeping the government running past Monday, as Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader, expressed confidence that he had public opinion on his side. Why […]
Ted Cruz Goes All Night; Vendors of Conventional Wisdom Say This Is Bad
Readers may have noticed that I have been ignoring the ObamaCare “Don’t Fund It” dramatics, along with the “government shutdown” threat and the punditry gabfest that have accompanied it. Depending on who you listen to, either Ted Cruz is the future of the Republican Party or else Ted Cruz is the harbinger of the final […]
Primary Politics: Can the Grassroots Defeat the GOP Establishment in 2014?
Interesting developments: Matt Bevin is challenging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Kentucky GOP primary. Checking his biography, I’m glad to see that Bevin is a graduate of Washington & Lee University, a U.S. Army veteran, and a small business owner — exactly the kind of outsider “not a politician” profile anyone would want […]
U.S. Senate or Insane Asylum?
At Memeorandum, I saw this headline: HISTORIC: Senate panel advances trans-inclusive ENDA Perhaps you thought the “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill was the craziest thing the Senate could ever do, but obviously you were wrong. What this legislation would do is to make it a federal crime to discriminate in the workplace against the “transgendered.” […]
Has Somebody Told @Jack Dorsey That Twitter Was Invented by Ed Markey?
#InventedByEdMarkey YouTube (and we thank you: — Bill Murphy (@billmurphy) May 10, 2013 “Breaking down those monopolies in the 1996 Telecommunications Act unleashed $1 trillion worth of private-sector capital that has created thousands of jobs — yes, you know the names, Google and eBay and Amazon and Hulu and YouTube and Facebook and Twitter […]
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