The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#CPAC2017: Draft Sheriff Clarke

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Saturday night, I spent about 15 minutes talking to Jack Daly, a longtime conservative activist who is a leader of the Draft Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate committee. They want the Milwaukee County sheriff, who has attracted a nationwide following from his appearances on Fox News, to challenge Wisconsin Sen. […]

Senate Confirms Jeff Sessions 52-47, and Also Condemns Fake ‘Cherokee’ Woman

The confirmation of former Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions was also the launch of Elizabeth Warren’s 2016 presidential campaign: The Senate voted Wednesday night to confirm Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general, capping a vicious debate that left Democrats and Republicans alike seething at times. No Republicans went against Sessions in the 52-47 vote. Sen. […]

Trump Nominates ‘Worthy’ Judge; Democrats Go Into Full-On Panic Mode

  Ramesh Ponnuru at National Review calls Neil Gorsuch a “worthy” appointee to the Supreme Court, “a well-respected conservative whose legal philosophy is remarkably similar to that of Antonin Scalia, the justice he will replace if the Senate confirms him.” The “if” in that sentence expresses a contingency that is difficult to estimate at this […]

Did Mobsters Beat Harry Reid?

John Hinderaker at Powerline returns to the unanswered questions surrounding the retiring Democrat senator’s injuries: When a guy shows up at a Las Vegas emergency room on New Year’s Day with severe facial injuries and broken ribs, and gives as an explanation the functional equivalent of “I walked into a doorknob,” it isn’t hard to […]


Today’s vote in the Senate drew furious scorn in a statement from grassroots conservative activist Becky Gerritson: I along with millions of conservatives around the country are furious with the Republicans’ surrender in the Senate today! We listened to Republican promises to curb spending, restore our liberties and stop President Obama’s illegal executive orders regarding […]

Democrats Implode in Louisiana

Ali Akbar, Anita Moncrief and other activists with the Black Conservatives Fund have been making a huge difference in Louisiana during the final weeks of the campaign leading up to Saturday’s election that will end the Senate career of Democrat Mary Landrieu. However, as much credit as is certainly due to BCF, the real credit […]

The Sweet Hangover of Victory

Tuesday’s Republican tsunami left Harry Reid disgraced and desperate to rescue some semblance of Democrat relevance: Reid has run the US Senate for the past eight years like a dictatorship, steadily eroding minority privileges to the point where Republicans couldn’t offer amendments or put up any significant resistance to Barack Obama’s radical appointments, unless Democrats […]

Election 2014 BREAKING: GOP Wins Senate Majority, @AoSHQDD Says

UPDATE 11 p.m. ET: Always trust the reliable source: —> RT @AoSHQDD: Republicans have won control of the United States Senate, carrying #IASen, #NCSen. — John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) November 5, 2014 Heteronormative patriarchy #WINNING RT Wendy Davis didn’t even win women: @AsheSchow @instapundit — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 5, 2014 It’s a blowout, […]

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