The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Left-Wing Lawyer Accuses Republican Senators of Bullying Kavanaugh Accuser

  On the day in February 2017 when Jeff Sessions was confirmed as Attorney General, ABC News interviewed D.C. lawyer Debra Katz — identifying her only as a “protester” — as she declared: “We are going to fight back,. We are going to resist. We will not be silenced.” Debra Katz, whose enthusiasm for “LGBT […]

What Does ‘Credible’ Mean in 2018?

Ever since Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser told her tale to the Washington Post, I’ve repeatedly seen the word “credible” used to describe her accusation. “It would hurt the legitimacy of the Supreme Court,” said Sarah Quinlan of Red State, “to force a confirmation through when there appears to be a serious and credible accusation without an […]

Can the GOP Win the Kavanaugh Fight?

    Whatever Happens To Kavanaugh, Feinstein Got Exactly What She Wanted — David Marcus, The Federalist The drive to sink Kavanaugh is liberal totalitarianism — Sohrab Amari, New York Post Kavanaugh Accuser Classmate: ‘That It Happened Or Not, I Have No Idea’ — Domenico Montenaro, NPR ‘We’re very confident:’ Trump, GOP growing more bullish […]

Memories Light the Corners of My Mind

  In the 24 hours since I last wrote about the Brett Kavanaugh nomination (“Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears”), further details have emerged including (a) the name of the accuser and (b) the name of Kavanaugh’s prep-school buddy on the night of the alleged incident in 1982. According […]

Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears

  As someone remarked on Twitter, Democrats are now trying to turn Judge Brett Kavanaugh into Roy Moore, and it’s disgusting. It’s also predictable and, in fact, was predicted in a prescient email that “a very smart conservative” lawyer sent to Weekly Standard writer John McCormack. On Sept. 5 — eight days before Sen. Dianne […]

Democrats Planned (and Paid for) Hearing Protests: The Noise of Democracy™

Capitol Police arrest a Democrat protester at Tuesday’s hearing. If the American people want anarchy, they know which party to vote for: Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday vowed to be a “a neutral and impartial arbiter” if confirmed to the Supreme Court, after a chaotic first day of hearings on Capitol Hill amid political theatrics […]

Politics 101: Can Democrats Win?

  During CPAC last weekend, several people asked my opinion of the chances of Democrats capturing a congressional majority in the fall. Obviously, I don’t have any clairvoyant powers. In October 2016, I was convinced that Donald Trump couldn’t possibly be elected. A month later, he proved me wrong. So I claim no special insight […]

The Incorruptible Roy Moore Wins

  No man in American political life has suffered more than Roy Moore for his devotion to firm principle. He was harassed by the ACLU, purged from his office as chief justice of the state Supreme Court, and suspended again after he successfully campaigned for re-election. All of this he suffered because of his belief […]

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