The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rove: Akin ‘Irreparably Damaged’; UPDATE: NRSC Turns Against Akin

Karl Rove just appeared on Fox News and pronounced Todd Akin’s campaign doomed beyond hope of redemption, saying that his Crossroads GPS super-PAC would not “throw good money after bad” for the “irreparably damaged” Republican Senate candidate. Rove pointed out that calls for Akin to step aside have been nearly universal, from the party leadership […]

Objectively, Todd Akin Is Doomed

Got offline for a few hours during which, among other things, I discussed the Todd Akin situation by phone with a couple of people. A point I made: This isn’t “Macaca” — it’s not as if the Left ginned up a controversy over a ridiculous bit of nothing. And another point: Compared to this, Trent Lott’s […]

Report: Republican Todd Akin Will Withdraw From Missouri Senate Race

Ace of Spades reports that both Erick Erickson and Richard Grinnell are saying on Twitter that Akin will exit the campaign. The furor over Akin’s remarks about “legitimate rape” — as Michelle Malkin calls it, “The Todd Akin Mess” — currently accounts for the top 23 threads on Memeorandum. UPDATE: This horrible botch can be blamed […]

When Liars ‘Win’

Nothing should enrage honest people more than to see liars succeed through their skill at deceit — or, as often as not, to see liars succeed because so many people have become indifferent to truth, as in the case of the media’s favorite phony “expert,” Ryan Holiday. When liars succeed, this represents the triumph of […]

Tennessee Democrat Party Denounces Democrat Senate Candidate

Rachel Maddow spent five minutes on MSNBC tonight having a conniption over what is, for Democrats, a disheartening development: Mark Clayton believes the federal government is building a massive, four-football-field wide superhighway from Mexico City to Toronto as part of a secret plot to establish a new North American Union that will bring an end […]

Harry Reid’s Financial McCarthyism: ‘I Don’t Think the Burden Should Be on Me’

The top Senate Democrat evidently believes he can make outrageous accusations based on anonymous secondhand “sources” and then require the accused to disprove his accusations: Earlier this week, Harry Reid revealed why Mitt Romney is refusing to release more tax returns: He didn’t pay taxes for an entire decade! It almost sounds too crazy to […]

Hurrah for Texas! Ted Cruz Wins!

Erik Eckholm of the New York Times reports: Ted Cruz, an insurgent backed by the Tea Party, easily defeated the candidate favored by Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday in a runoff election for the Republican Senate nomination that revealed a wide rift in Texas between the party establishment and restless anti-incumbent activists on the right. […]

… And the Pulitzer Prize for Recycling Second-Hand Rumors From HuffPo …

. . . goes to the Washington Post: Mind you the Washington Post isn’t citing an unnamed source that has talked to them, they are reporting that someone else (Harry Reid) claims that an unnamed source said something. I don’t claim to have been in this business all that many years, but I know enough […]

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