The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Don’t Worry About That Asteroid Hurtling Toward Earth, Say the Scientific Experts Who Are Always Right About Everything

They’re scientists, after all, which means they’re never wrong, so ignorant laymen like us should have complete confidence in their judgment: Anyone happening to glance towards the heavens in a week’s time and glimpses a 50-metre-long lump of rock hurtling ominously through the skies need not panic. Although it will pass closer to us than […]

Eighteen Severed Human Heads Stopped En Route to Chicago ‘Research Facility’

Somewhere in Illinois, a “research facility” is being operated by zombies, cannibals or, perhaps, a mad scientist from Transylvania: The 18 human head specimens that arrived at O’Hare International Airport from Rome just before Christmas were on their way to a research facility in the Chicago suburbs — a facility that is “under investigation,” a source told the […]

Mad Scientist Calls for ‘Murderous Rampage’ Against Watchdog Group

“I gotta be me, as the douchebag credo goes.” — Ace of Spades In November, the Franklin Center’s Tori Richards and Earl Glynn did a Colorado Watchdog report on National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. Richards and Glynn revealed the exorbitant salaries paid to top officials of this little-known Carter-era “green energy” boondoggle: NREL’s top […]

Science, Progress, Consensus and Doubt: Darwinism and Reason in the Balance

“My attitude toward progress has passed from antagonism to boredom. I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday.” — G.K. Chesteron, 1923 “God has given us plenty of evidence of who he is.” — Dr. Ben Carson, 2012 It seems that Rand Simberg doesn’t include Dr. […]

The Problem With Sexual ‘Rights’

“Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates in terms of minority ‘rights’ versus majority ‘discrimination.’ . . . To disagree with a liberal, to oppose his latest policy proposal, is to invite comparisons to Bull Connor and Orval Faubus, so long as the liberal […]

Reasons Not to Have Sex

You’re young. You’re sexy. You meet somebody else young and sexy. And next thing you know, you’ve got yourself a nearly incurable case of antibiotic-resistant Super-Clap: Five years ago, the CDC said fluoroquinolones were no longer effective, but oral cephalosporins were still a common/easy treatment. Now injected ceftriaxone is the only recommended effective drug we have left. […]

The Science Is Settled!

According to the latest scientific study, homophobes are secretly gay! Therefore, Fred Phelps is Andrew Sullivan’s dream date, or something. For many years, I’ve been working on a scientific study to confirm my hypothesis that some lesbians — the really hot ones — are in fact secretly bisexual and eager to have me join them for a threesome.

Shocking Republican Sex Scandals!

According to a new scientific study, Republicans hate new scientific studies, but it is a scientific fact that Republican women have vaginas, and evidence suggests they know how to use ’em. That’s right: Research indicates that the vagina functions as part of what scientists refer to as the “reproductive system” and that certain activities involving the vagina […]

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