The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thursday Evening Silliness

— by Wombat-socho FOR SCIENCE! (h/t some bird owner on Facebook)

Obsessed? Who, Me?

Honestly, you start talking about this stuff, and readers in the comments call your attention to other related stuff, and it’s really pretty fascinating. But next thing you know you’re down the Rabbit Hole, lost in Wonderland. So I promise that after this post, I’m going to write something about NSA snooping or the IRS […]

She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science

“Pretty Baby has been banned outright in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. No less a moral arbiter than Rona Barrett solemnly advised her TV audience that the movie is ‘child pornography.’ Others have attacked its French director . . . as a combination of Humbert Humbert and Roman Polanski.” — Kristin McMurran, People […]

Stop, Thief!

LOL: “It’s as if he’s washed his mouth with bromides.”… Yes, but where did he steal the bromides? @danengber — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 7, 2013 Good Lord, what have we come to, when a guy who gets caught making up quotes by Bob Dylan then scores a book deal based on a […]

When the Truth Is Scandalous

Jonathan Karl of ABC News is evidently a Republican, and liberals think it’s a horrible scandal that a Republican could be employed as a reporter: “Didn’t he see the ‘No Republicans Allowed’ sign?” Meanwhile, Jason Richwine’s recent resignation from the Heritage Foundation, a subject I haven’t previously discussed, yields a secondary story that is either […]

My Wife: Scientific Proof

Just in case I’ve never mentioned it before — but I’m pretty sure I have — Mrs. Other McCain is one smokin’ hot babe: Ah, back in the day, my friends — of course, I wasn’t too shabby myself back in the day. This isn’t just nostalgia, or a gimmick to make you hit the freaking tip […]

But … It’s Science!

Every day, it seems, we read headlines about new research that “proves” this, that or the other thing. My favorite such research was a study that found larger-breasted women are more intelligent. Can we trust such research? Alas, a story on the front page of today’s Washington Post indicates we should be cautious consumers of science: […]

About Paul Ehrlich and ‘The Most Spectacularly Wrong Book Ever Written’

Cover of Time magazine, Jan. 11, 1960 “You’re f–king up our future. . . . What do you think we learn at school? This is what we learned about. . . . We’re the 99 percent.” — 17-year-old student, St. Mary’s Academy, 2011 In an interview with Ed Driscoll, Jonathan V. Last discussed Paul Ehrlich’s […]

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