The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

EPA Climate-Change Expert Admits ‘Historic’ Fraud for $900,000

Our Moral Superiors: "Beale, an NYU grad with a masters from Princeton …" — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 16, 2013 “I thought, ‘Oh my God, How could this possibly have happened in this agency?’ . . . I’ve worked for the government for 35 years. I’ve never seen a situation like this.” The […]

The Atheist Creep Lawrence Krauss

Professor Lawrence Krauss on Australian TV, February 2013. “Science is based on telling the truth, which is a really important ethical boundary. It’s one that I don’t think religion shares, in fact. . . . I think that science can offer a better world.” — Lawrence Krauss “Jen McCreight, who describes herself as ‘a liberal, […]

Remember: ‘Climate’ Is Not ‘Weather’ (Unless Scientists Tell Us It Is)

Global Warming: The SCIENCE is SETTLED! @iWeatherNews @GlockLady @AmrElGabry — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 13, 2013 Once you realize that anthropogenic global warming (also known as “climate change”) is a non-falsifiable theory, the pretzel logic is amusing: Any extreme or damaging weather — including extreme cold — can be cited as evidence of […]

The Science Is Settled: Feminism Is Wrong

Men and women are not the same: By analyzing the MRIs of 949 people aged 8 to 22, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania found that male brains have more connections within each hemisphere, while female brains are more interconnected between hemispheres. . . . By analyzing the subjects’ MRIs using diffusion imaging, the scientists […]

Your Tax Dollars at Work: PETA Protests Weird Animal Sex Research Projects

Apparently, if you’re an official NIH-funded scientist, you can get paid to do things that sadistic serial killers do in their spare time: 1. Mice and rats electrically stimulated after penises mutilated and injected with chemicals Location: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Experiments: Experimenters cut all the skin off the penises of live mice and rats, electrically […]

But If They’re ‘Born That Way’ …

. . . why are there more lesbians than ever? More women than ever are having same-sex experiences — or at least more women than ever are reporting it. This week, a long-term British survey found a fourfold increase over the past two decades in women reporting at least one sapphic fling. Self-reported same-sex behavior among men, […]

The Politics of Weather

One of the horrors of 21st-century America — a harbinger of creeping totalitarianism — is that everything is becoming political. Sex is political. Food is political. School is political. And, thanks to the global warming scare, even the weather is now political. Except we don’t even call it “weather” anymore. Now it’s called “climate.” Silly […]

Cultural Marxism and the (Very Real) Movement to Normalize Pedophilia

“Childlike innocence is an invention of the bourgeoisie of early capitalism.” — Olaf Stüben, German pedophile activist, 1981 Anyone who has followed the arguments surrounding the case of Florida sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt knows how her supporters in the so-called “Free Kate” movement have justified Hunt’s crimes against a 14-year-old girl. You are a bigoted […]

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