The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Tuesday

— compiled by Wombat-socho The bachelor life’s not all it’s cracked up to be sometimes. I don’t often fall prey to viruses and such, but when I do…it makes me wish I had a nurse like this around the place. As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW. The management […]

Rule 5 Sunday: J Is For Joan Jett

— compiled by Wombat-socho Not going to deny it – while I have great lust in my heart for Debbie Harry, and appreciation for a number of other musically-inclined ladies, there is no doubt that the hardest-rocking woman since Elvis was the King is Joan Marie Larkin, better known as Joan Jett. I mean, what’s […]

Rule 5 Tuesday: Birthday Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho As fate would have it, Stacy, Smitty and I were all born within about a week of each other, which probably means something to astrologers, Kabbalists, numerologists, and other Democrats, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s just a happy coincidence. It’s also an opportunity to post a pics of a […]

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Tax Loopholes Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Lots of ginned-up controversy over Trump’s taxes this weekend, and from what I’ve seen on social media, the basic argument seems to be “My credits/deductions are good and right, but yours are bad and wrong!” which of course is nonsense, but this is the level to which the media have sunk […]

No, Miss Universe Can’t Be 170 Pounds

  It should not be necessary to explain why a beauty queen is obliged to maintain her physique at or near her pageant-winning form during her yearlong tenure as the reigning Miss Whatever. She wins a local beauty contest, which qualifies her to compete at higher levels, on up to a national title and, perhaps, […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Life Is Beautiful

— compiled by Wombat-socho Sometimes it’s easy to forget that despite all the horrible things happening in the world, life here in America is beautiful. Great scenery, beautiful women (and handsome men), the ability to live comfortably without being wealthy and powerful…yeah, it could be a lot worse. This weekend the Life Is Beautiful music […]

Rule 5 Sunday: #RollTide

— compiled by Wombat-socho Better late than never – the Crimson Tide are off to a 3-0 start, so I guess it’s time to have some Alabama cheerleaders on this week’s post. As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW; he management is not responsible for any sadness eventuating from […]

Rule 5 Monday

— compiled by Wombat-socho It was one of those weekends when there was too much to do and not enough time to do it in, so you get Rule 5 Sunday on a Monday instead. Since the NFL season kicked off yesterday amid much controversy over players failing to stand for the anthem and Gutless […]

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