The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hope And Change Under Attack By Christianist Jingle!

by Smitty Do not be taken in by this bubbly video! If not for the massive efforts of Barack Obama, unemployment would be 25%, the national debt over $20 trillion, and children would be praying in a non-Mecca direction in schools. President Obama has barely restrained the onset of the second Dark Ages, on which […]

Is Matt Drudge Not A Mitt Romney Fan?

by Smitty Ouch: Quite the triumph of the negative advertising will, Mitt’s 3% victory in Michigan. Alas for Romney, Rick Santorum is the leading Republican presidential contender in Ohio, according to a new survey in the state. The Quinnipiac University poll released Monday showed the former Pennsylvania senator with 36% support among likely Republican primary […]

The Ad Is Just Fantastic, That Is Really What I Think. Oh, By The Way:
Which One’s Pink?

by Smitty (via American Power) The non-snobby one with the Santorum sign at the end, of course: Maybe I’m the only one who immediately thought of. . . but Santorum’s ad is dated 18 January, more than a month before Rick pointed out the Orwellian snobbery of #OccupyResoluteDesk saying everyone should go to college. I’ll […]

Rick Santorum On Meet The Press

by Smitty Rick Santorum does a fine job standing up to the job the American media won’t do with respect to any public figures on the Left: Santorum is using more ‘Teatard’ phrasings like ‘equality of opportunity’. Will the hefty Catholic presence in Michigan make the difference for Santorum on Tuesday? I rather hope so. […]

Rick Santorum Hears Hillary Clinton’s Caution About GOP Campaign Rhetoric, Delivers Cupcake And Pony Speech

by Smitty Speaking to Tunisians, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, in summary “Pay no mind to those zany Republicans; they’re just talking election-year smack.” Via Alan Colmes, via Tampa Bay Online: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton advised an audience in Tunisia on Saturday to “not pay attention” to the comments made by […]

Stacy McCain Infiltrates Koch-Brothers Cabal Of Extreme Extremism

by Smitty Are we supposed to believe that this so-called: ‘Michigan Prosperity Forum’ is anything other than an organizing even for foul extremists, bent on overthrowing Holy Progress? As Dr. Melissa Clouthier has reported, Americans for Prosperity is merely a front group for those bad, bad Koch brothers, whose hidebound commitment to pre-Progressive ideas like capitalism […]

Snarlin’ Arlen Does What He Does

by Smitty Specter is no spectator on Santorum’s claims at the AZ debate: “I said will you support the president’s nominees? We had a 51-to-49 majority in the Senate. He said, ‘I’ll support the president’s nominees as chairman,’” Santorum said. But Specter said on The Michael Smerconish Program on Thursday morning that that wasn’t the […]

Rick Santorum Takes First National Lead

by Smitty Santorum leads Mitt Romney 38 percent to 23 percent in the new poll, while Gingrich is in third place with 17 percent. The two crucial points here are: Keep up the doubt about Rick Santorum. We must accept whatever our Ruling Class Overlords tell us. Pay no attention to these numbers. Continue to […]

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