The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sarah Palin Is Doing A Far Better Job Of Not Running For President Than Jeb Bush

by Smitty She seems to be having a much better effect on actual conservatives in office than His Jebness: Governor Palin endorsed 22 candidates for various offices during the midterm finals, including senators, governors, lieutenant governors, congressmen, and attorneys general. Of those so endorsed, an incredible 20 were elected – contrasted with, for example, Hillary […]

Will No One Rid Us
Of Turbulent Jeb Bush?
Who’s More Bad Ideas
Than A Thunderbird Lush

by Smitty If your name rhymes with "tush" You can kiss my mush Dynasties belong In the Hindu Kush Jeb Bush — (=Won't Vote 4Jeb (@smitty_one_each) December 16, 2014 I'd sooner vote Webb Than little brother Jeb 100mil+ conservative Yanks Yet every non-Bush somehow tanks? Jeb Bush — (=Won't Vote 4Jeb (@smitty_one_each) December 16, 2014 [Gunny Ermey voice] "Ol' Jeb Bush […]

God Bless Senator Mike Lee

by Smitty Half the battle is showing up. The other half is staying engaged: . . .as rotten as the CROmnibus before us is, I want to state for the record that this week leaves me with nothing but optimism. Optimism about the prospect we have for real reform and revival in the coming years. […]

What Are The Odds That Boehnerdict Arnold Ends Up Making Wurst of Brat?

by Smitty It’s been depressing to see the fine print unfold: elections have consequences, so long as those consequences tend toward expanding the federal government, centralizing power, diminishing liberty, and crushing the borders. . . .Brat takes his mandate to halt amnesty as a promise made to his district. Most point to Brat’s opposition to […]

May Not Be True That We Have A 1-Party System, But The Theory Explains A Lot

by Smitty Via Instapundit, “Poll: Americans reject Obama’s immigration order, want illegals out of schools, jobs” Via Breitbart, emphasis mine: “The Democratic Party is falling apart on this [Obamacare] and immigration because the numbers are very bad…something is going on. It’s called politics. They just got crushed in the election. Not that the Republican leadership […]

GOP #WarOnWomen Results In 100 Female Representatives: We Blame Rule 5

by Smitty There are 100 women in Congress for the first time ever — Josh Levin (@josh_levin) November 5, 2014 Isn’t it amazing what good old-fashioned conservative misogyny can do? Congrats to Mia Love: we feel a strong affection, for which we lack a word, toward you.

Elections Have Consequences. Will GOP Victory = ‘Consequences’ Consequences?

by Smitty You’ve got to love The Week: “Why the GOP must pass a real ObamaCare replacement after it wins the Senate“. That sounds like ‘bargaining’ on the Kübler-Ross Model. Keep in mind that ObamaCare is the new plantation. To hell with this Commie thinking that we can’t reject this plantation without moving onto a […]

“Remember the Time Warner Voted Against Obama?” Said No One. Ever.

by Smitty What a tool-icious record. I guess it’s a comfort to know that when #OccupyResoluteDesk comes to Virginia’s Fort Belvoir to golf, the President can rely on Mark Warner to hold Obama’s balls. Vote Ed Gillespie It’s high time the number of Virginia Senators with a shred of dignity was above zero again. via […]

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