The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Karl Rove Decides Popular Guy Leading All the Polls Can’t Possibly Win Election

Just about the time Herman Cain pulls ahead in the Real Clear Politics average — and is leading by double digits in Iowa  — the Architect goes on Fox News to denounce Cain as “not up to the task“: Remember that Karl is the guy who engineered George Bush’s landslide victory, by a margin of […]

Voorhees Announces Late Entry to 2012 GOP Field; Huntsman Reportedly Worried

T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII hears the call: “With the President vulnerable and so many sensible government contracts at stake, they have persuaded me that the GOP electorate is yearning for the one voice in our party brave enough to consistently stand athwart the Tea Party lunacy. And, with the entire current Republican field variably […]

George Will Plays the Dukakis Card on an Unsuspecting Romney

by Smitty “It has a lot to do with Romney. He is rising as more and more Republicans come to the conclusion that the Republican Party has found its Michael Dukakis, a technocratic Massachusetts governor running on competence, not ideology.” I’m looking at the National Debt Clock and wondering just What. The. Flippy-flop. George Will […]

The Army Of Climate Change Darkness Marches On

by Smitty Guilt by association is an ugly thing. So I disclaim at the outset any attempt to say that, merely because John Holdren, the president’s current science czar — an advocate of de-developing America and population control. has been a source of advice to Mitt Romney on “global warming and carbon emissions”. And the […]

Savage Weirdness at Final Boarding: Did Team Perry Put the Blame on Rubio?

The National Affairs Desk, in the smoking lounge at Dulles International Airport, 1:10 p.m., Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Less than hour until final boarding for my flight to LAX en route to Vegas, and no time to waste on trivia now. While I was checking in the one-way rental car ($164), I […]

Fear and Loathing (and, Yes, Sweet Vengeance) On the Road to Feb. 1, 2012

 Today’s the day I fly off to Las Vegas to cover Tuesday’s crucial Republican presidential debate. It’s a long flight from Dulles to LAX, then a four-hour layover before I catch the plane to Vegas. I’ll be crashing in Barbara Espinosa‘s suite at the Sands, while Smitty and Wombat — both of them got their […]

Day By Day Speaks Truth To Overlords

by Smitty An excellent play by Muir. This prompts me to drop in a bit of Chickenfoot:

‘… Significantly Less Substantive, in Terms of His Words, Than He Appears …’

by Smitty Quin Hillyer not gripped by the Mitt: The main thing I learned is that Mitt Romney is significantly less substantive, in terms of his words, than he appears to be when you watch him live. Or Michelle: When Bachmann isn’t as well versed on an issue, it really shows, much to her detriment. […]

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