The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrat Supporter Says Romney ‘Masquerading as a Die-Hard Conservative’

by Smitty The Puffington Host has a simply incredible piece up about Mitt, featuring Rocky Anderson: One of Mitt Romney’s oldest Democratic supporters says the Republican presidential contender is a “warm” and “decent” person who is only masquerading as a die-hard conservative to win the Republican nomination. “Obviously the positions that Mitt’s taking now are […]

‘With These GOP Strategists, Our Victory At Cannae Is Assured,’ Said Paullus

by Smitty Republicans won’t need to put a candidate like Sarah Palin on the presidential ticket this year, veteran party strategist Charlie Black says, because the candidates are already conservative enough. Asked at National Journal’s Election Preview on Tuesday whether he thought the party might name a vice presidential candidate like Sarah Palin, whose addition […]

Ouch! New Poll Shows Perry at 7% in Iowa

The headline on the Des Moines Register story is “Herman Cain, Mitt Romney lead new Iowa Poll,” but when you break down the numbers, the really shocking result is farther down: Herman Cain …………………. 23% Mitt Romney ………………….. 22% Ron Paul ……………………….. 13% Michele Bachmann ………….. 8% Rick Perry ………………… 7% Newt Gingrich …………………. 7% Rick […]

Cain Leads New Ohio Poll; Close to Romney in Nevada; Perry Fading Away

The big headline today is the Ohio poll by Quinnipiac: Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain has jumped to the front of the line among GOP presidential contenders with 28 percent support among Ohio Republicans. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is second with 23 percent, while Texas Gov. Rick Perry is almost at the bottom […]

Is Romney Melting Down?

Donald Douglas at American Power: “[O]ne of the hottest conservative causes of the year, and Romney waffles?” And according to Zogby, in a head-to-head matchup, Herman Cain beats Romney more than 2-to-1 — 63% to 29% Try putting that on your whiteboard, Karl Rove! UPDATE: Romney backtracks, says he fully supports Ohio governor ‘110 percent’

Romney Secures McCain Endorsement

by Smitty That’s right, Stacy’s cousin Meghan endorsed Bruce CampbellMitt Romney, as reported by the Lonely Conservative. Maggy also, apparently, chilled out in Zuccotti Park with the #OWS crowd. Ah, the Progressive pride parade. Just don’t call her Green, m’kay? She’ll think that means you’re calling her an airhead, or something. Update: linked by Nice […]

Herman Cain Builds Lead Over Romney, Rick Perry 5th in New CBS/NYT Poll

The big news? This poll was taken Oct. 19-24, entirely after last week’s Vegas debate (Perry’s best performance to date) and covers the period during which the abortion controversy was supposedly (if you believe Karl Rove) destroying the viability of the Cain campaign: Herman Cain ………………. 25% Mitt Romney ………………. 21% Newt Gingrich …………….. 10% […]

The Non-Barking Dog Of Federalism

by Smitty Why I can’t help but admire large swaths of Ron Paul’s ideas: Ron Paul told host David Gregory that he would abolish federal student loans. . . All of those students must claim a state for residency. Why. The. [Ahem]. are states not taking care of their own citizens? Well, clearly the federal government […]

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