The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘You Have to Answer for Santino, Carlo’

“Our best chance to put responsible and principled leaders in Washington starts here, with Dede Scozzafava.” — Newt Gingrich, Oct. 16, 2009 “Former House speaker Newt Gingrich tells NRO that he is sure that endorsing Republican Dede Scozzafava in the upcoming special election in New York’s 23rd congressional district was the right thing to do.” […]

Greta Scooped Me, But That’s OK

Greta Van Sustern’s exclusive interview with Gloria Cain is, on the one hand, great news for the Cain campaign, but on the other hand, an indication that Cain’s campaign team views as less influential than Greta. Months of Cain coverage did not earn me that scoop? I’m hurt. But I understand: If I’m not good enough for […]

Perry Aides Dissing Gingrich Campaign?

Interesting news: A new book claims Newt Gingrich spent $1 million on jewelry to “buy off” his reluctant wife and stop her objecting to his running for president. “Election 2012: The Battle Begins,” by reporters Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon, follows up on previous reports about Gingrich’s unpaid $500,000 charge account at Tiffany’s and his […]


SPARTANBURG, S.C. When Rick Santorum entered the post-debate “spin room” here at Wofford College, I was the first to greet him. “How’s it going, Stacy?” and his lovely wife also said hi. Quickly switched to video and started the interview, before the scrum assembled around us: I’ll have more later, but have to get out […]

Hard To Tell If The Tom Brokaw Diction Will Save Mitt Romney

by Smitty What struck me about Mitt at the Defending the American Dream Summit was how Romney will hang onto a consonant when giving a speech. The way Brokaw sounds, as if consonants get lodged in the sinuses. Mitt sounds like a congested Buckley serving bumper stickers without brilliance. The effect, like the rest of […]

Conservatives Launch

New Media genius Ali Akbar strikes again with, a petition endorsed by many familiar names — including John Hawkins and Pamela Geller — and gets a write-up from Zeke Miller at Business Insider: A coalition of conservatives have launched a campaign against Republican front-runner Mitt Romney’s candidacy to prevent him from becoming the GOP nominee next year. […]


WASHINGTON, D.C. OK, maybe the NY Post-style headline slightly overstates Mitt Romney’s tough talk on China here at the “Defending the American Dream” summit. Instead the former Massachusetts governor promised that, as president, he would evaluate federal programs in terms of deficit spending financed by borrowing from China. “For each program we have in the […]

Boehner: Have I Pissed Off The Tea Party Enough Lately? Maybe Not

by Smitty CBS News: House Speaker John Boehner addressed one of the biggest sticking points for the 12 member Congressional “supercommittee” today, acknowledging that any bipartisan agreement will need to include some new tax revenue. “I think there is room for revenues, but I think there clearly is a limit to the amount of revenues […]

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