The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Mitt Romney’ On SNL: Among The Stranger Campaign Ads Of All Time

by Smitty Last night’s SNL campaign ad is pure Mitt. Superficially, the ad is about how stiff and un-funny Mitt is. Jason Sudeikis doesn’t go far enough in capturing the slightly congested, Brokaw-esque diction that helps me understand why some people really don’t care for Sarah Palin’s accent, either (she bothers me not). So, I […]

If Kathleen Parker Was Just A Bit Less Masculine, She Might Be David Brooks

by Smitty Via Hot Air, we have Kathleen Parker going down a list of Paul Begala arguments regurgitated from Newsweek. She very vaguely seems to be trying to dispute Begala’s title “The Stupid Party” as a moniker for the GOP, but comes across more as: “Don’t. Stop. Don’t stop.” Yet another faux-conservative writer whose desire […]

Is This It? Newt Says GOP Choice Will ‘Come Down to Mitt and Me’

Thirty-three months after the first Tea Party rallies, we are presented with a choice between Mr. “It’s His Turn” and Mr. Speaker: A surging Newt Gingrich said he’s bracing for searing political attacks from all sides now that he’s the latest front-runner in the cutthroat Republican bid for president — and he predicted the GOP […]

Doug Hoffman Forgives Newt Gingrich?

When Professor William Jacobson called this to my attention, I could scarcely believe it, yet Dave Weigel has the story: So what does Hoffman think? Is Newt to be trusted? “I support all the candidates running right at the moment,” said Hoffman. “Any one of them would be better than the current president, and that […]

The Tea Party Budget

by Smitty For a printout and a quick glance, The Tea Party Budget scoops Congress in general and the Stupor Committee in particular. Sure, #OccupyResoluteDesk, as well. To achieve these goals, our plan, among other things: Repeals ObamaCare in toto. Eliminates four Cabinet agencies — Energy, Education, Commerce, and HUD — and reduces or privatizes many […]

Is Mitt Getting A Media Pass?

by Smitty Legal Insurrection raises some excellent points: I also pointed to a Chicago Sun-Times article arguing that when Romney was at Bain he used a “plunder” strategy for a number of companies. This is a theme Ted Kennedy used against Romney quite successfully. While new-found Romney supporters like Ann Coulter claim Romney came close […]

How Bad Is Newt Gingrich?

Bad enough that Ann Coulter would rather have Mitt Romney win: So now, apparently, we have to go through the cycle of the media pushing Newt Gingrich. This is going to be fantastic. In addition to having an affair in the middle of Clinton’s impeachment; apologizing to Jesse Jackson on behalf of J.C. Watts — […]

Remembering Newt’s Awfulness

Just now, I called Dan Collins to talk about the grim prospect that threatens to destroy all hope of carrying forward the Tea Party momentum of the 2010 midterms: Mitt vs. Newt as the final showdown for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination. Dan was saying that this has provided him an occasion to remember all […]

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