The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rush Nails It On The Craven GOP

by Smitty Rush Limbaugh went ballistic about both the Obama 06Dec speech, and the corresponding spinelessness of the GOP in refusing to attack #OccupyResoluteDesk. Of local note is the Timmy Kaine run for Senate. Face it: rather than gearing up for the next concession speech in 2012, the GOP needs to take this class warfare […]

Why Gingrich Will Lose: ‘Newt Wears Arrogance Like a Zebra Wears Stripes’

“It is Newt Gingrich’s turn on the Republican presidential candidate carousel . . . For some reason, the conservative punditry hive mind is collectively suggesting that the carousel may stop with Gingrich on top. Whether it’s their weariness with the poll swings or comfort with a familiar face, I can’t say for certain. It isn’t […]

You Have To Admire Nancy Pelosi

by Smitty Daily Pundit reacts to Nancy Pelosi’s outburst of affection for Newt Gingrich with a wild burst of affection: Pelosi’s real worry is that a Gingrich Presidency probably means she’ll end up doing some time in the Graybar Hotel for her own depredations. Gingrich is notably petty and vindictive, and he’s just mean enough […]


Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has published a full-page ad in Iowa newspapers in which the former Pennsylvania senator vows to “protect America’s moral foundation.” The new ad, clearly aimed at social conservatives who are a key GOP constituency in the Hawkeye State, is timed to coincide with Santorum’s three-day “Faith, Family and Freedom” tour […]

A Shot To The Dome Of Security Theater?

by Smitty Roger Kimball Right now, we spend billions of dollars on a new government institution (the TSA) which invades people’s privacy, clogs our airports, and doesn’t really do anything to make flying safer. Why not dismantle the whole thing and hire a couple thousand sharp shooters? We place one or two on every flight […]

SANTORUM SUNDAY EXPRESS: Exclusive Video From May 2011 At SFVRC

by Smitty The San Fernando Valley Republican Club invited Rick Santorum to speak prior to the initial GOP debate. Richard McEnroe, the esteemed vast right wing conspirator who blogs at Three Beers Later has honored this blog with the opportunity to preview the video of Rick Santorum’s speech, to maximize the audience reach. “A Tea […]

SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Criticizes Newt Gingrich During Appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week’ UPDATE: Complete Video Added

Current Republican presidential front-runner Newt Gingrich has put social issues in “the back of the bus,” his GOP rival Rick Santorum said Sunday in an appearance on ABC’s This Week. Asked by host Christianne Amanapour about Gingrich’s stand on “social values,” Santorum said: “I think Newt has consistently put those in, let’s say, the back […]

SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Complete Iowa Tour Schedule

Press release from the campaign: SANTORUM IOWA PUBLIC SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 4-6 Verona, PA – Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum will return to northwest Iowa on Sunday, December 4th on the latest leg of his “Faith, Family and Freedom Tour.” Open press events are noted, all times are local. Sunday, December 4: 2:00pm CT: Senator […]

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