The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Newt Gingrich Fires Iowa Political Director for Calling Mormonism a ‘Cult’

Warner Todd Huston says Craig Bergman’s “stint with the Gingrich campaign has to be one of the shortest in history” — he was hired five days ago and was fired today for something he said last week: Craig Bergman during a focus group on Wednesday with The Iowa Republican and McClatchy newspapers said he thinks […]

Cuts Like a Knife

But it feels so right: Romney’s role: The Hillary Clinton of 2012? — Politico That kind of comparison slices Mitt like cold cuts and, while we’re at it, consider the case of an amateur online oppo-researcher: The damage wreaked by Kaczynski’s work points to an irony of politics in the Internet age. Technological advances have […]

Hey, Mitt Romney: Bet Me $10,000 I Won’t Post This Vintage Pinup Girl

Ha, ha! You lose! Lots of fallout today over last night’s debate, in which Mitt Romney offered Rick Perry a $10,000 bet that Mitt’s book did not include a call for nationalizing RomneyCare. The video: Lisa Graas reminds us that Mitt reportedly spent $45 million of his own money on his failed 2008 bid for […]

BREAKING: Team Romney Snubs Conservative Media in Anti-Newt Call UPDATE: Team Romney Denies

UPDATE (8:50 p.m. ET): Both Da Tech Guy and Hot Air have received e-mails from the Romney campaign denying that there was any bias in the operation of the conference call. However, I have received an e-mail from Matt Lewis saying he sticks by his story. So: Accusation or denial — which do you believe? […]

Miracles Keep Happening Every Day

What were the odds, huh? Michele Bachmann becomes the fifth Republican presidential candidate to turn down the Donald Trump/NewsMax debate, meaning that on Dec. 27, it’s Newt Gingrich vs. Rick Santorum. This is like the Philly palooka Rocky Balboa getting a shot at Apollo Creed. And Rick’s OK with that: “Many of my opponents jockeyed […]

SANTORUM’S SURGE: Tells Palin Supporters, ‘I’m Your Guy’

Here is Rick Santorum talking to Stephen K. Bannon, producer of the Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated, about Palin’s praise for Santorum last week: If some of our readers would care to transcribe this interview in the comments, I’d appreciate it.

In the Presence of His Newtness

Newt Gingrich speaks Wednesday at the Republican Jewish Coalition 2012 Presidential Forum, Washington, D.C. (Photo by Robert Stacy McCain) Is it just me, or does Newt Gingrich constantly emit the signal that we should be grateful he has condescended to communicate with us mere mortals? And do Republicans really want to nominate this guy? Polls […]

My Day (and Night) in D.C.

ROSSLYN, Virginia Greetings from the ninth-floor office overlooking the Potomac River that is headquarters of The American Spectator. I’m working on a borrowed computer that doesn’t have a slot for the digital memory chip that contains photos and video I shot today at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Presidential Candidate Forum. So I’ll upload that tomorrow. […]

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