The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Romney: Maybe If I Make My Positions Sound Current, I Can Win

by Smitty Byron York, via Instapundit: “You don’t think we would have gone in [to Iraq]?” asked MSNBC’s Chuck Todd. “Well, of course not,” Romney answered. “The president went in based upon intelligence that they had weapons of mass destruction. Had he known that that was not the case, the U.N. would not have put […]

Meghan McCain: I Look At Callista Gingrich, And All I Hear Is Foreigner

by Smitty Wake up Maggy, I think I’ve got something to say to you:Per the HuffPo: Meghan McCain argued on MSNBC Tuesday that Callista Gingrich is doing damage to her husband’s presidential primary campaign because she is “a mistress,” has an “icy” personality. . . Is she as cold as ice? Willing to sacrifice your […]

‘So Critical’

by Smitty Mitt Romney has a blog post up that sounds real swell. I wouldn’t damn this notion with anything but faint praise: The first step in returning to an Opportunity Society is scaling back our vast federal government. I will put every single government program to a simple test: Is this program so critical […]

Vice President Condi Rice?

by Smitty The Washington Times: America’s first black female secretary of state is quietly positioning herself to be the top choice of the eventual Republican presidential nominee, ready to deliver bona fide foreign-policy credentials lacking among the candidates. The 56-year-old has recently raised her profile, releasing her memoir in November and embarking on a monthlong […]

Fear of a Ron Paul Planet

“Newt Gingrich’s lead in the race for the GOP presidential nomination has evaporated, according to a new national survey.” — Paul Steinhauser, CNN “The model gives [Ron Paul] a 44 percent chance of winning Iowa based on the current standing of the candidates and the historic uncertainty of polling-based forecasts. Mr. Romney has a 32 […]

Romney08 Demolishes The Dole Endorsement Given Romney12

by Smitty This is probably another one of those things we’re not supposed to notice. From 2008: And now, we have: A Letter To Iowans From Senator Bob Dole On January 3, Caucus For Mitt Romney And Get America Back To Work.

Gingrich Campaign ‘Imploding’ in Iowa; Ron Paul Leads; Rick Santorum Gains

Newt Gingrich’s campaign in Iowa is “rapidly imploding,” according to the latest poll, as the former House Speaker has tumbled to third place and Ron Paul has moved into the lead in the Hawkeye State, with Mitt Romney in second place just two weeks before the crucial Jan. 3 caucuses. Meanwhile, Rick Santorum moved into a three-way […]

Politico Stirs The GOP Pot

by Smitty According to Politico, a phalanx of Herman Cain accusers disguised themselves as the House GOP and staged a telephonic cat fight* over the Senate’s two month payroll tax holiday package: In a private conference call on Saturday afternoon, rank-and-file House Republicans complained bitterly about the contents of the deal, which would extend through […]

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