The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VA Attorney General Cuccinelli On GOP Primary Ballot

by Smitty Virginia is for politics lovers, and those who love being loved by politics. He has a lengthy email newsletter, which is not a survival guide, but offers some behind the scenes insight on the candidates. Cooch is a Santorum fan, and had the dimmest of faint praise for the Ruling Class Overlord approved […]

Fear and Loathing at BWI

BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT They’ll call final boarding in less than an hour, so there’s no time now for a lot of fancy stuff. I’m scheduled for a three-hour flight to Detroit, a one-hour layover and then a 40-minute hop to Cedar Rapids. The big headline on Memeorandum: Mitt Romney’s secret money What does it mean? Who […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: How’s the Weather Today in Vanuatu?

“Santorum is a social conservative, and everybody seems to have convinced themselves that social conservatives are a dead weight impeding the Republican Party and therefore no one should ever express support for any social conservative anywhere, under any circumstance.” — Robert Stacy McCain, “Slouching Toward Cedar Rapids” “How long, O Lord, how long? Where will […]

Gingrich Misses Virginia Ballot, Too

This was pending late last night, but now has been confirmed: Like Rick Perry — and Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum — Newt Gingrich failed to submit enough eligible signatures to qualify for the March 6 Virginia Republican primary. That leaves Virginia voters to choose between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. Irony? A […]

Perry Heartache In VA: Just A Bit Outside

by Smitty Via the Washington Post: Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry failed to submit enough valid signatures to qualify for the Virginia primary ballot, state GOP officials said Friday evening. Perry’s campaign told state election officials it had submitted 11,911 signatures, but a Republican source familiar with the situation said that the Texas governor did […]

Baron Conrad Black of Crossharbour Nonplussed By Newt-mentum

by Smitty Quite an interesting read over at NRO, where Black theorizes in weighty philosophical terms about the state of the GOP scrum. There is an audio version of the article, but, as it was not read in John Houseman tones, I killed it quickly. A taste: The Obama administration doesn’t know whether to scream […]

Minnesota Republican ‘Made Some Mistakes and Errors in Judgment’

The words “sin” and “adultery” evidently did not occur to former state Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch: Amy Koch apologized [Wednesday] for “engaging in a relationship with a Senate staffer,” though she did not name the individual. (We are left to wonder if “engaging in a relationship” can be roughly translated as “making the beast […]

Report: Huntsman, Bachmann, Santorum Fail to Make Virginia Primary Ballot UPDATE: Close Calls for Newt and Perry

A certain number of petition signatures had to be delivered by close of business today in order for candidates to be included on the ballot for the March 6 Virginia Republican primary. Rick Santorum supporter Lisa Graas just informed me by e-mail that, according to University of Virginia political science professor Larry Sabato, three candidates […]

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