The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Newt Meets the Media in Nashua

NASHUA, N.H. Massive media mayhem here at the Hillsborough County Republican Party dinner at the Crowne Plaza, where Newt Gingrich was swarmed by the press: Rick Santorum also spoke, but I’ll upload that later.

News Of Rick Santorum’s Iowa Triumph Reaches A Certain Bunker. . .

by Smitty The task of managing delivery of the 2012 GOP concession speech is not an easy one. . .

Santorum, Duggars, And Fundraising As The Deadline Looms

by Smitty Stacy is getting down to crunch time, somewhere in the corner of an Iowa deli. He asks that I call your attention to something he put up in the Green Room, over at Hot Air: For months, Santorum has been the only Republican presidential candidate whose campaign didn’t have a big custom bus […]

Media Scrum Is Heavy At Santorum Event

by Smitty BOONE, Iowa Stacy called to say that he can’t get anywhere near Rick Santorum, due to the amount of media there in Boone for the 2 PM CT event. The Duggar family is here, and have loaned their bus to the Santorum campaign. Stacy has an interview to transcribe later. Thanks to Three […]

Ron Paul Is Out To Flog Mitt Romney With The Hillary Stick

by Smitty Now there is a provocative read: Ron Paul — poised to finish strong in the Iowa caucuses – has begun to implement a quiet, complex plan to force a long battle with Mitt Romney for delegates to the Republican National Convention in August. His advantages: Experience, organization, and the legacy of the 2010 […]

The Elephant In The Fail Room

by Smitty From Has the conservative elite really failed? Alan Greenspan, a free-market hero, blundered horribly in failing to regulate shadow banking, followed by another Republican appointee, Ben Bernanke. They forgot the old adage that the job of a central banker is to take away the punch-bowl just as the party is getting good. If […]

Rather Harsh, But Hard To Counter

by Smitty Goldfish and Clowns: It’s becoming painfully apparent that the conservative movement has learned nothing from, or since, 2008. We continue to eat our own and mount a circular firing squad, not once stopping to consider whether our actions further the conservative cause or merely provide free ammunition to the left. It’s also becoming […]

Newt Throws A Hail Sarah Pass?

by Smitty CBS News: Newt Gingrich, plunging in the polls, dropped this bomb Wednesday: he would consider asking Sarah Palin to serve as his number two or in his Cabinet if he became president. “She is certainly one of the people you would look at,” Gingrich said Wednesday, according to Right Wing Watch, when asked […]

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