The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rick Santorum Distances Himself From Newt’s Lefty ‘Hit Job’ on Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich’s “super PAC” has unleashed its 27-minute documentary about Bain Capital, When Mitt Romney Came to Town, which a Daily Kos blogger calls a “hit job” that “you’d expect from a lefty operation.” It’s as if Newt hired Michael Moore. Avowed lefty Steve Benen calls it “devastating”: Desperate to gain some traction in South Carolina, Rick Perry has […]

Philly Layover Musings: The Republican Party Is Depraved and Decadent

PHILADELPHIA With a three-hour layover in Philly, I logged on here at the Riverbend Bar & Grill at the airport Marriot, and the first thing I find atop the Memeorandum aggregation is my buddy Dave Weigel’s thoughts on the campaign to date: I’m thinking of a Republican primary. It starts with a candidate (John McCain/Mitt Romney) who […]

Going To The Political Party Meeting Was Like Eating My Vegetables

by Smitty I grew up thinking that political parties were mainly for nerdy, preppy people who were taking a break from chess club or something. Then I was in the military, where, while voting is a big deal, partisanship is like evangelizing: a big no-no. Which is good. The fact that the military swears fealty […]

Can Rule 5 Help Give Mitt Romney’s Campaign Some Swagger?

by Smitty I’ll say that it couldn’t hurt. . . But the real question is, can Mitt borrow enough personality from Stacy McCain to pull off something like that in non-laboratory conditions?

Palin Endorses Newt. Todd Palin

by Smitty What an interesting twist, via O.P. Ditch on Facebook, and ABC: But Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and John McCain’s 2008 Republican running mate, has yet to decide “who is best able to go up against Barack Obama,” Todd Palin said. Palin said he has not spoken to Gingrich or anyone from […]

Media Mayhem in the Granite State

HOLLIS, N.H. Saturday night in Manchester was a total media schmoozefest, and I had the opportunity to talk to Mickey Kaus, whose re-Tweet by Alyssa Milano inspired my own long quest for a similar honor. (“They Said It Couldn’t Be Done …”) Just returned from a Ron Paul event here, the start of a long […]

Romney Displaying A Barackian Level Of Contempt For The American People

by Smitty “Pious Baloney”, indeed. Newt speaks truth to wax figure:Really, Mitt: if there’s one thing that the American people appreciate, it is candor. Barack did a fantastic job of feigning it it ’08. The respect for American authenticity allowed John McCain to drop his war record on a bus for a tour of America […]

Two Excellent Arguments in Favor of a Jon Huntsman Presidency

HOLLIS, N.H. At tonight’s Hillsborough County GOP dinner I had the enormous pleasure of meeting Mary Anne and Abby Huntsman: For all the grief I’ve given “Governor Asterisk” in the past several months, I must confess that his daughters were not only lovely, but also quite gracious. I gave them one piece of advice: “Whatever you […]

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