The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dr. Strange-glove, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Mitt
UPDATE: Graphic Via PCP

by Smitty Update: thank you, Political Clown Parade: The title is inspired by a post at Legal Insurrection, quoting Andrew McCarthy: I keep hoping to hear those three words [about RomneyCare]: “I was wrong.” But they’re not coming. Romney supporters on the right keep rationalizing that he is just doing what he must do to […]

Good-Bye, Governor Asterisk

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. I was sitting here working on my American Spectator column, with the Huckabee forum on Fox News playing on the TV behind me, when my son Jefferson yelled from the other room to tell me this news, which was a bulletin on the “crawl” on the TV that I wasn’t watching. Huntsman Says […]

Romney Leads by 21 Points in S.C.?

Carolina RINOs? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has opened a wide lead over his rivals in the South Carolina primary election race, trouncing Newt Gingrich and gaining momentum in his march toward the party’s nomination, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows. . . . The poll showed 37 percent of South Carolina Republican voters back Romney. Congressman […]

Next, Newt Gingrich Will Probably Mail Order a Pair of Acme Rocket Skates

Like Wile E. Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner, Newt’s Bain attack on Mitt Romney has backfired, actually increasing Mitt’s popularity with conservatives. Everybody will tune in for Monday night’s Fox News debate waiting to see if an anvil falls on Newt’s head. (Hat-tip: Instapundit.)

Can Mitt Be Stopped? ‘A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Romney Inevitability’

“The final tally in the New Hampshire primary showed Rick Santorum clinched fourth place and Newt Gingrich took fifth, according to the New Hampshire secretary of state. “Throughout late Tuesday night and early [Wednesday] morning when the votes were tallied, Gingrich had been fourth, but Santorum overtook him, beating him by just 138 votes, with […]

Campaign-Induced Tourette’s Syndrome

‘The Phantom Menace’ in Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 9, 2011 “Perry’s decision to make his announcement in South Carolina was widely viewed at the time as a genius move that would lock down his support in a crucial early primary state, and once he emerged as the most viable conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, Perry […]


by Smitty (via Pundette) At least that’s the French verb ‘to impale’, to answer Pundette’s question “What’s the French word for ‘skewered’?” People can say what they like about Bain. My chief gripe is that there is one candidate with a history of swinging a meat cleaver when required, sure, but the one whose putting […]

“Driving That Bain / High On Rogaine
/ Timmy Kaine You’d Better
/ Watch Your Speed”

by Smitty Virginia Right points to Open Secrets, where, nestled cosily amongst the usual suspects for a Democrat, we see Bain Capital supporting former governor Timmy Kaine in his bid to replace Jim “Browser” Webb in the Senate. “Just how Conservative is Mitt Romney?” asks Virginia Right. The CPAC propaganda arrived today, and I see […]

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