The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is It Really Just Mitt, Or Is The Entire GOP Necropolis Facing Rejection?

by Smitty Byron York in The Examiner is worth a full read: Romney stages perfect events. For example, on the eve of the primary, Romney’s rally in North Charleston was perfect from a production point of view: stage just right, big flags, big Romney signs, smooth introductions from South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Virginia […]

What Does This Sentence Mean?

“Base hostility will now be exacerbated by Mitt Romney’s backers now undoubtedly making a conscious effort to prop up Rick Santorum to shut down Newt Gingrich.” — Erick Erickson, Red State Last night I found myself talking to Caleb Howe, who said how much he hated the argument that a vote for Candidate X is […]

BHO SOU: “Building An Economy `That’s Built To Last` [Until 07 November, 2012]”

by Smitty The Hill relays, with some help in brackets by me, the news that #OccupyResoluteDesk used the weekly address to sound even more ominous, this time about asing tourist visa rules to attract more foreign tourists, as the latest example he has taken to boost the U.S. economy. It was also the latest example […]

‘Churchill’ Gingrich?

by Smitty IBD: A great debater. Politically polarizing. Prone to great error, but also prone to spectacular success. Steeped in history. Politically brilliant. Unorthodox. Audacious. All these qualities were once used to describe Winston Churchill. Today, you might use the same words to describe Newt Gingrich. Sound absurd? Not when you think about it. Read […]

Althouse Mis-understimates Newt

by Smitty Ann: Perhaps if Gingrich is the candidate, Obama won’t debate him. Why give him a chance to shine? Here’s why. Obama will predict that the majority of Americans will prefer the nice man who is President over the strange and brash man who is attempting to crush him. and: All Obama will need […]

Romney No’ Doin’ So Weel In SC?

by Smitty Leahy at Bearing Drift reports from South Carolina: I was out of the political loop for a spell yesterday and so missed Bob McDonnell’s arrival in the state to stump alongside Mitt Romney in what appears to be, and feels like, a spectacular collapse in support for the former Massachusetts Governor. Romney, who […]

Front Page On The GOP Final Four

by Smitty It’s a good thing that PJTV is pushing Alan Barton to YouTube: The Romney income tax question gets a lot of play here. It’s a stretch to believe that an otherwise carefully crafted campaign is, unexpectedly, getting wrecked on the income tax issue. I highly doubt there is anything surprising in Mitt’s taxes. […]

Mitt Romney Needs More Lessons From Chris Christie

by Smitty The 2012 election is not an episode of Leave it to Beaver:Concluding the rebuttal with “You’re wrong!” is about an order of magnitude below the intensity needed. Let’s leave the Ward Cleaver routine on the sundeck by the pool, shall we? Suggested response: “This country was founded in Liberty. Do you speak it? […]

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