The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Baseball Crank Explains It All

— by Wombat-socho Well, as much as anyone can explain what’s going on with the GOP and its primary voters this election season. I readily admit I’m a sucker for blog posts like these; everybody who writes books about our party seems to be either a) an insider with an axe to grind or b) […]


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. CONCLUSION 1 a.m. ET: Excuse my long absence. Had to go to the spin room for the post-debate action, then write a column for The American Spectator. I was hesitant to say this earlier but, did Rick Santorum kick butt or what? Because I wanted to believe he did well, I felt that […]

Fear and Loathing: Oceanfront View

TV satellite trucks outside the press filing center, University of North Florida, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Carl Cameron was standing near the satellite trucks parked next to the press filing center when I got back from the media walk-through at Lazzara Performance Hall on the University of North Florida campus, site of tonight’s CNN debate […]

Departing for Jacksonville: What’s Up Today Down in the Sunshine State?

My flight leaves Baltimore-Washington International Airport about 9 a.m. and arrives in Jacksonville about 1 p.m. By the time this post goes live, I’ll be on my way to the airport. But I’m troubled by the news reports indicating that Rick Santorum has evidently decided to leave the campaign trail in Florida after tonight’s debate: […]

‘Let-Me-Tell-You-What-to-Think’ and Other Conventional Wisdom Tricks

Many months ago, Ace of Spades erupted in a fury over an “objective” mainstream media news story: Stop telling me what to think! I’d love to link that memorable post, but archive searches on Ace’s site are difficult. The point he made, however, is that some journalists have an obnoxious tendency to assume readers are […]

Barbara Espinosa’s Gingrich Files

Longtime readers of the blog will warmly remember Barbara Espinosa, whom I first met at Right Online 2009 in Pittsburgh (“Grandma Is an Angry Mob,” American Spectator, Sept. 18, 2009). Barbara doesn’t like it when I remind people that she’s a grandmother and a widow. She thinks those descriptions might discourage romantic overtures from the kind […]


by Smitty Thoughts: These debates are great. The GOP is going to the gym, and going to be very muscular, assuming it doesn’t have a heart attack and die from it all. The Dems for all their bluster, have got to understand that they are losing the mindshare. The various pleadings to Florida were interesting. […]

Note To Mitt: Cut The Donnie Osmond Noise; It’s Alice Cooper Time

by Smitty Via the Puffington Host: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declared on Sunday that Newt Gingrich has been “an embarrassment” to the Republican Party who didn’t have the background or capacity to serve as an effective president. Appearing on “Meet the Press,” the top Mitt Romney surrogate didn’t refrain from sharp character attacks. “I […]

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