The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Much Needed Palate Cleanser From Marco Rubio

by Smitty Remind me again why this guy hasn’t been press-ganged into running for POTUS? Rubio sports more authenticity in a short speech than the entirety of the Mitt Romney cannon: Oh yeah: some Ruling Class Overlord hasn’t yet decided it’s Rubio’s ‘turn’, or something. via American Power

Let Mitt Be Perfectly Clear: He’s Going To Repeal ObamaCare

by Smitty Will somebody buy Bill Quick a quaff o’ coffee? This notion that Mittens loves himself some socialized medicine, whether it’s Romneycare, which he imposed, or Obamacare, which he won’t repeal. is pure balderdash. Willard Mitt is going to do precisely what he said he will do: repeal ObamaCare. Now, there may be some bickering […]

Florida Fever: Naples Struck by Sudden Outbreak of Raging Mitt-Mania Epidemic

Mitt Romney at Naples rally, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012 NAPLES, Fla. Attention young conservatives: Your grandma loves Mitt Romney. The phenomenal shift in the polls here in the Sunshine State — which has provoked much commentary and analysis about “strategy” and “messaging” — may in fact be little more complicated than that. And the massive […]

Steak & Eggs Morning News Round-Up: Florida GOP Voter ‘Horrified’ by Newt; Romney Opens Double-Digit Poll Lead

NAPLES, Fla. This morning I drove to Waffle House for breakfast — 5-ounce New York strip steak, two eggs over medium, hashbrowns, wheat toast, large orange juice and coffee, $11.71 — and the waitress had a tattoo on her neck. On the way back to the posh condo (thanks, Dan Collins!) I stopped to pick […]

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich

NAPLES, Fla. Does anyone else remember — because I do — how the Perrybots used to claim that anyone who supported Herman Cain was, in effect, supporting Mitt Romney? I even had friends who supported Perry tell me that Cain wasn’t “really” running for president but was aiming for a Cabinet position in a future […]

Palin Giving Lessons In How To Give Appropriate Criticism

by Smitty Love her or no (and I do), the little FaceBook page that rocked Obama continues to harry his Ruling Class ilk: But this whole thing isn’t really about Newt Gingrich vs. Mitt Romney. It is about the GOP establishment vs. the Tea Party grassroots and independent Americans who are sick of the politics […]

‘Swarmin’ With Mormons’

John McCain, Luis Fortuno and Mitt Romney during rally at Lanco & Harris, Orlando, Jan. 27, 2012 ORLANDO, Fla. If you don’t vote for Mitt, why do you hate America? That was the fundamental theme of Friday’s super-patriotic rally for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at an industrial warehouse here. After a three-hour drive from Jacksonville, […]

Santorum Praised by Rush Limbaugh, Endorsed by Florida State Sen. Plakon

Wearing my Florida shirt at the CNN Jacksonville debate, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 (Photo by Dave Weigel) JACKSONVILLE, Fla. On his radio program today, Rush Limbaugh singled out Rick Santorum for his understanding that “ObamaCare is ballgame,” as Rush put it. Limbaugh referred to Santorum’s strong performance in Thursday’s CNN debate, going after Mitt Romney’s […]

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