The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Professor Jacobson, Maybe We Should Both Start Blogging About Sports …

. . . or movies or food or something besides politics, because right now we are diametrically opposite and neutralizing each other: Should the race come down to Santorum or Romney, I’d have to think about it, as shocking as that may sound given my criticisms of Romney. That’s not so much a vote of confidence […]


Has Glenn Reynolds joined the “Roll Over for Romney” movement? Back in 2008, the social-cons were all-in for Romney, to the point where Hugh Hewitt’s take became a running tagline (“You know who this is good for? Mitt Romney!”) that’s still used by by bloggers from time to time. Now, not so much. So what […]

Is Dr. Melissa Going Just A Little Easy On The GOP?

by Smitty I submit that Dr. Melissa Clouthier is going a tad too easy on the GOP here: . . .I never see the GOP pondering their really bad choices in politicians that had money but had little charisma, political deftness or policy intelligence. See also: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, and Linda McMahon. And that’s […]

‘Top GOP Senator’ Freaks the Hell Out Over Mitt Romney’s Michigan Meltdown

Who is this “prominent Republican senator” who thinks Rick Santorum would “lose 35 states” if he got the nomination? Who is this vicious backstabbing crapweasel who wants to DRAFT JEB BUSH? Lindsey Graham? John Cornyn? Mitch McConnell? Inquiring minds want to know.

GOP Debate, Arguably, Still Going Strong

by Smitty I met young Ben Shapiro at the blogger awards event Friday morning at CPAC. Crowder was making a running joke on the topic of condoms and a social conservative Presidential candidate. After two or three tries that fell flat, I looked at Shapiro and said “He’s going to keep inflating that joke until […]

SooperMexican: Dana Milbank Apologist?

by Smitty Did I type apologist? I meant adversary. First day, new fingers. SooperMexican is having none of Milbank’s critique of the GOP’s ‘insufficient’ pandering of the Latino vote (emphasis original, epithets ironic, as only conservative white males are capable of raaaaacism): Today leftist halfwit and pasty white gringo Dana Milbank wrote a column decrying […]

Bravo, Senator Sessions, For Beclowning Zients On BHO’s Orwellian Budget

by Smitty (via Insty) Stacy’s morning post about the preposterous budget stays current, as that extended shaggy dog story continues to win friends among the sober. Via The Examiner, Sessions attains and holds the high dudgeon on this sad little crapflooder from the Executive branch:

Sarah Palin Endorses (M)It(t)?

by Smitty I’ll get to Sarah’s CPAC12 speech excerpt, but first, a review: If you have it, you don’t need it. If you need it, you don’t have it. If you have it, you need more of it. If you have more of it, you don’t need less of it. You need it. . .to […]

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