The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


So says Bill Quick at Daily Pundit, who says I’m “spouting arrant hooey” in observing that Newt Gingrich’s campaign is doomed. Quick says my “visceral hatred of Gingrich” accounts for my hooey. Even if accurate, this accusation completely misses the relevant point that Newt’s campaign faces financial ruin after Tuesday’s double defeats in Mississippi and Alabama. […]

A Santorum Miracle? ‘So Be It,’ Says Mitt

“Romney campaign says losing nomination would take ‘act of God’” — MSNBC, March 7 “Senator Santorum is at the desperate end of his campaign . . . He’s far behind in the delegate count, far behind in the popular vote count. If you look at the math, it’s a very difficult road for him.” — […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Mathematical Impossibilities Happen

“Rick Santorum charged of out Tuesday’s wins in the South with a fresh claim to being the chosen son of the Republicans’ conservative flank. Mitt Romney limped out with something that could endure longer: an enhanced lead in delegates. “Under the cruel math of the prolonged GOP primary race, Mr. Santorum’s victories in Alabama and […]


by Smitty By the eye, Mitt has outspent his remaining three opponents combined by 2:1. . . But, for all that negative ad carpet bombing, he’s barely holding his own overall. Maybe the Mitt-heads can spring into action, and convince me that Romney really has this thing sewn up. I’m not his biggest fan, but […]

Fox Not ‘Fair and Balanced’? Santorum Finally Mentions Pro-Romney Bias UPDATE: Exit Polls Show Mitt Wins Mississippi? Newt 3rd in Alabama?

I’ve been saying this for weeks, and it’s probably not a good idea for the candidate to say so himself, but it’s unquestionably true: On Tuesday’s “Kilmeade & Friends” radio show on Fox News Radio, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum . . . accused Fox News of being in the tank for his competitor, former […]

No, Rick, Teleprompters Should Not Be Against The Law

by Smitty The whole ‘there oughta be a law’ notion is predicated upon the idea of the nanny state enforcing everything. All candidates do it, when they talk about swinging by the store and picking up a case of jobs to fix the economy. Let the court of public opinion do that. Let us understand […]

Sources Close to Christina Hendricks Could Not Be Reached for Comment

When you’re seeking a metaphor for “no chance in hell,” certain impossible scenarios immediately come to mind, which was what I was aiming for in my American Spectator column today: Monday, Carl Cameron of Fox News was the vehicle by which “sources close to the Gingrich campaign” floated a trial balloon, suggesting that former House […]

Blogger Shocked — Shocked! — to Learn That John McCain Would Employ Backstabbing GOP Campaign Operative

Of course, John McCain is a man who has long cherished backstabbing as a fundamental principle of his political career, and yet R.D. Brewer at Ace of Spades HQ is nonetheless surprised by the perverse pride that the McCain campaign’s “chief strategist” Steve Schmidt takes in having helped destroy the GOP’s chances in 2008: “For […]

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