The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I See What Romney Did There

by Smitty The Hill has the video. I’ll offer a translation: The Hill Smitty “I don’t see how a young American can vote for, well, can vote for a Democrat,” Romney said in a speech at the University of Chicago. It is of paramount importance that I focus attention on the party, and not the […]

A Whiter Shade Of GOPale

by Smitty And so it was that later as McCotter told his tale Smitty’s face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of GOPale McCotter laments at length at Ricochet, and I excerpt: “I want to shout, but I can’t hardly speak” Presently, Rock-n-Roll Reaganites are in exile on Lame Street. Bored in the […]

Is Newt’s Campaign Bankrupt?

An article at National Journal about Obama’s $45 million February fundraising haul mentions a fact I’ve repeatedly emphasized: Obama’s numbers soundly trumped his GOP rivals in  February fundraising. Mitt Romney brought in about $11.5 million,  whereas Rick Santorum and Ron Paul brought in roughly $9 million and  $3.3 million, respectively. Newt Gingrich has not released his February  […]

His Newtness and His 176,000 Donors

It’s Friday night and the Missouri caucuses are Saturday. Newt Gingrich isn’t even on the ballot in Missouri, which will award 52 delegates. There was a Missouri primary in February but, because of legislative hassles, that vote was officially “non-binding.” However, Rick Santorum won that primary with 55 percent of the vote — nearly a 30-point margin […]

Why Does DC Fund TX?

by Smitty Tina Korbe at HotAir on Rick Perry: Incidentally, this is one of the things I most respect about Rick Perry: He is willing to forgo federal funds, recognizing that federal dollars always come with strings attached. In the chronic case, are not the 57 states the horse, and the federal government the cart? […]

Two Reasons VP Rand Paul Isn’t A Bad Idea

by Smitty Bill Quick floats an intriguing question: So, tell me….would putting Rand Paul on his ticket as Veep make Mittens Romneycare more attractive to you? Why? As a preliminary note, The Catholic Bandita was attacked rather heavily by Ron/Rand supporters. I hope we can all get along better going down the road, and she […]

Come On, Bill: Newt Has Always Been An ‘Ideas Guy’

by Smitty Bill Quick is attacking Newt for being Idea Man Newt, and refusing to drop out of the GOP hunt. But that’s who he is, that’s what he does. In this vintage clip going back to their time in the House together in the early ’90s, Newt is on a road trip with none […]

Pornographic Politics: Did the Daily Caller ‘Pull a Media Matters’ on Rick Santorum? UPDATE: Romney and Gingrich Both Made January Pledge to Fight Porn

Today I noticed a thread at Memeorandum aggregating commentary on an article by Daily Caller associate editor Steven Nelson: ‘Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers with pants down I sort of shrugged that off, and then I saw this Tweet by Jedediah Bila: Didn’t tweet about this today, but if it’s accurate, I […]

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