The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Spilled Milk and Misplaced Anger: Political Psychotherapy Session

Newt Gingrich in Fort Myers, Florida, Monday, Jan. 30, 2012 “Somebody in the Newt camp tossed an ‘internal memo’ over the fence to Matt Lewis. Long story short, they’re lowering expectations in Florida. And as I pointed out in my American Spectator column, second place in Florida is worthless — it’s winner-take-all. Team Gingrich just […]

Is Mitt Worried About Maryland?

I live in Hagerstown, Maryland. Last night the TV in my office was tuned to Fox News and, during the commercial breaks, they kept running an anti-Santorum ad from the pro-Romney “super PAC,” Restore Our Future. This ad, portraying Rick Santorum as a soft-on-crime pork-barrel phony, was airing at least twice an hour on Fox […]

Why Was NY Times Reporter Jeff Zeleny Doing Romney Campaign’s Bidding?

Rick Santorum has been using the “uniquely disqualified” line against Mitt Romney in his stump speeches for weeks to describe how RomneyCare makes the Massachusetts governor a poor choice to face Obama in November. So, while people are making a big deal of Santorum yelling “bulls–t” at New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny for asking […]

Roll Over for Romney?

Kiss my ass! Between his inevitability and his electability, Romney’s advocates would have you believe their man is an unstoppable electoral juggernaut, a lead-pipe cinch to become the next President of the United States, and they’ve managed to sell that proposition with the assistance of journalists who seem suspiciously eager to ignore all evidence to […]

Newt Campaign Death-Watch Begins

Just got back from Louisiana — if you haven’t hit Lisa Graas’s tip-jar yet, do it now — and I’m about to take a nap, but first I want to share something I just posted at The American Spectator blog: The Gingrich campaign death-watch — see today’s New York Times article by Trip Gabriel as a […]

Trayvon Martin Case Discussed by Noted Civil Rights Leader … David Plouffe?

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana When I had lunch Wednesday with Ali Akbar, he was talking about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, and I had to confess that I didn’t know enough about the case to have an opinion. My main suggestions were (a) we shouldn’t “try the case in the media” by offering opinions based on incomplete […]

LOUISIANA PRIMARY RESULTS HQ: Santorum Wins by Wide Margin

HARAHAN, Louisiana UPDATE 9:29 p.m. CT: While the exit polls had indicated a double-digit margin for Rick Santorum, few suspected that he could beat Mitt Romney here by more than 20 points but, with 65% of precincts reporting, it’s Santorum 49% to Romney’s 26%. Santorum staffers here say they don’t expect that margin to shrink […]

BREAKING: Dick Cheney Refutes Rumors That He Lacked A Heart

by Smitty Fausta pointed me to a WaPo article: An aide to Cheney said he had been waiting for a transplant for more than 20 months and does not know the identity of the heart donor. “Although the former vice president and his family do not know the identity of the donor, they will be […]

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