The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shocking Republican Sex Scandals!

According to a new scientific study, Republicans hate new scientific studies, but it is a scientific fact that Republican women have vaginas, and evidence suggests they know how to use ’em. That’s right: Research indicates that the vagina functions as part of what scientists refer to as the “reproductive system” and that certain activities involving the vagina […]

Newt Ally Says We’re Doomed

Alexander Burns of Politico interviews longtime Newt Gingrich aide Rick Tyler, who is now in charge of the pro-Newt super PAC: “Because I think ultimately, [Gingrich will] be proven right and if Mitt Romney is the nominee we will lose in the fall,” Tyler said. . . . Romney has “pursued the politics of personal […]


In an exclusive story that would appear to undermine Newt Gingrich’s claims of opposing Mitt Romney as the Republican presidential nominee, Ralph Z. Hallow of the Washington Times reports: Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich recently met in secret with GOP rival Mitt Romney at the former Massachusetts governor’s hotel in New Orleans, according to a […]

Rick Santorum: It’s About a Movement

“When Allahpundit first asked, ‘Second look at Gingrich?’ on Oct. 18, my visceral reaction was, ‘Are you freaking kidding me?’ Nothing astonishes me more than poll numbers . . . suggesting that people are taking Newt seriously as a presidential candidate. And of all the prognotications I’ve ever made, of none have I been more […]

Rubio Unqualified For VP?

by Smitty Allahpundit giving it the Full Eeyore. Senator Marco Rubio appears to be staffing up for some sort of promotion; there are books and rumors of books, and rumors of a past a flirtation with. . .psst: Mormonism, in his dim dark past! Oh Nos! Allahpundit hits a crescendo about the whisper campaign against […]

When Did Newt’s Campaign Become Unsustainable? And What Was the Result?

In reporting on the financial collapse of Newt Gingrich’s campaign — which I described last night — Michael Shear of the New York Times writes: Mr. Gingrich has struggled to raise money for weeks as he failed to win states outside of Georgia. Look, the Georgia primary was Super Tuesday, March 6, but Newt “struggled to raise money” […]

Big Fake Boobs

“I have no talent. I have nothing to offer.” — Kendra Wilkinson “Look, clearly we’re gonna have to go on a fairly tight budget to get from here to Tampa.” — Newt Gingrich It would be terribly mean-spirited to use the phrase “big fake boobs” as a cheap excuse to make fun of Newt Gingrich […]

Mitt Romney: Proud to Be Republican

Oh, darn: I forget the “sarcasm” tag!

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