The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Framing the Narrative: Using Evangelicals as Hook for MSM ‘Mormon Mitt’ Meme

“You watch, they’re going to throw the Mormon church at him like you can’t believe.” — Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, April 3 Just a quick follow-up on last night’s post about the the predictable emergence of an anti-Mormon message in the MSM, which they held back until they thought Mitt Romney was really “inevitable”: A lot of […]

Ain’t I Done Told Ya So? (Part II)

“If Romney gets the nomination and we reach late September with Romney leading the polls, what do you think the Democrat-Media Complex will do? Whatever It Takes to Win, sweetheart. “Can’t you see the five-part New York Times series on the history of Mormonism? Can’t you see Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News and David […]

Mark Levin and the Omens of Doom

“If Romney is indeed now the ‘inevitable’ nominee, it is a status he has obtained by crushing conservative opposition in an astonishingly expensive and negative campaign . . .” — Robert Stacy McCain, “Predictably Predictable,” The American Spectator, April 4, 2012 This evening, Mark Levin led his nationally syndicated radio show by reading key excerpts […]

Newt Neutered: Gingrich’s Pathetic Shadow Campaign Stumbles Onward

Being without means of transportation at the moment — thanks to the vigilant police officers of Livonia, Louisiana — I couldn’t have attended this, even if I’d wanted to, but I’m actually kind of glad I missed Newt Gingrich’s appearance today in nearby Frederick, Maryland. Byron York was there to witness Newt’s disgrace: Strapped for […]

Ron Paul Supporter Challenges Romney Over Mormon Doctrine in Wisconsin

Did no one else see this coming? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was confronted at a town hall meeting here Monday by a young man who read from a book of scripture published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and asked Romney whether he agreed with his church’s one-time belief that interracial […]

Brutal: New Rick Santorum TV Ad Compares Mitt Romney to Barack Obama

According to Politico, this new TV ad is now running in Wisconsin and will soon be running in Pennsylvania: UPDATE: This ad appears to be part of a general effort by the Santorum campaign to put the focus squarely on health care, as the candidate also publishes an op-ed column in USA Today: As the […]

Rick Santorum And The Traditional Justice System

by Smitty Jeffery Levin on Twitter points to The Hill, where Rick Santorum seems strangely unconvinced about the wisdom of a national conference on race in the era of Hope’n’Change: The question. . .was posed to Santorum by talk radio host Laura Ingraham Monday. “Absolutely not,” Santorum said. “This is either a very disturbed man […]

Dude, Did You Have to Diss Ann Coulter? Also: Obama Has ‘Certainly Been Massively Disappointing to Young People’

Let’s face it: Ever since Ann Coulter volunteered as head cheerleader for Team Romney, some of Miss Coulter’s longtime conservative defenders have been under tremendous pressure to denounce her. The problem is that nearly all the people who joined the anti-Coulter movement back in the day — and I’m looking at you, Ace of Spades […]

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