The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Misandry, Misogyny and Mrs. Romney

Ann Romney and her patriarchal oppressors, circa 1976 Cassandra at Villanous Company does her Alpha Female bitch-goddess workout on James Taranto, who had the temerity to offer a sympathetic view of young male existence in the post-feminist society: At the same time, there is good reason for males (men as well as boys) to be more […]

Nolte Notion At Breitbart: Ann Romney As Sarah Palin Surrogate

by Smitty From the Well-That-Makes-Inverted-Lefty-Sense Department: Ann Romney stepped into the White House’s line of fire by handling the situation … with absolute perfection. And as she did, let me assure you, Obama’s Media Palace Guards completely freaked out. Welcome to what will surely become “Palin II: The Nuclear Option.” We all remember how John […]

Feminism, Careerism, Lesbianism

Still a month to go before “National Offend a Feminist Week,” but some folks can’t wait, eh? I’ll save the lecture for the updates, but first let’s aggregate today’s headlines (via Memeorandum and Twitter): Ann Romney Fights Back: Debuts on Twitter to Counter DNC Advisor’s Insult — ABC News Rosen apologizes over comments against Ann […]

The Fox Factor: Newt, Sarah, Mitt, Rick, Bias and ‘The Mother of All Spin-Jobs’

Newt Gingrich tells the truth: During a meeting with 18 Delaware Tea Party leaders here on Wednesday, Newt Gingrich lambasted FOX News Channel, accusing the cable network of having been in the tank for Mitt Romney from the beginning of the Republican presidential fight. An employee himself of the news outlet as recently as last […]

Good News, Bad News

Mitt Romney calls Rick Santorum and says, “Rick, I’ve got good news for you, and I’ve got bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?” Santorum says, “Well, gosh, Mitt, I just quit the race, and I’m still kinda bummed out. Guess I could use the good news first.” Romney says, “OK, you’ll be […]

Don’t Tell Michael Zak

by Smitty . . .but Leno had a genuinely funny tee-hee-hee on you-know-who. If the Grand Old Partisan finds out, I could be in deep Krugman.

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Foreboding Gloom Pervades Vanuatu

“After having destroyed every conservative that came on the scene, you can’t say ‘You have to line up behind me.’ No, no, no. Conservatives are not going to jump until they hear where Governor Romney wants to take everybody.” — Richard Viguerie, veteran conservative leader “I still think Mitt’s electability is a myth and a […]

Our Double-Secret Strategy To Ensure GOP Triumph

by Smitty While I haven’t been as deep in the tank for any candidate as the marquee name on this blog, I have been consistent in my disdain for Ol’ Willard Mitt. In that spirit, I dared say on Twitter: This earned me a stern note from Michael Zak, whose book Back to Basics for […]

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