The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Will Cruz Cruise or Get Trumped?

  The battle for Iowa seems to be coming down to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump. Of course, there are likely to be five candidates still in the race after the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, but the debate Thursday highlighted the clash between Cruz and Trump: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz clashed Thursday […]

I Hope Lorne Michaels Feels A Twist Of Anguish Over The @TedCruz SNL Ad

by Smitty I hope that enough conservatives tune in to watch this on SNL tonight that Lorne the Liberal Tool has an inkling of just how much viewership he’s leaving on the table in the name of being an Obama/Clinton sycophant. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are co-hosting. Could be funny. Musical guest is Bruce […]

Ace of Spades Goes Full-On Populist?

Because I’ve been up to my ears in radical feminism for the past year, I haven’t monitored the day-to-day developments of the GOP presidential primary campaign the way I did during the 2012 cycle. As a result, I am unaware (and really, do not care) which of my blogger friends are supporting which candidate. My […]

PowerLine Laid Out On Fainting Couch Over Ben Carson USMA Story And Small Arachnid, But Mostly Ben Carson

by Smitty As a service academy graduate, this story makes one go “Hmmm…” I like Ben Carson, though in the race for the GOP nomination he’s far down my preference list. Thus, I was happy to defend him from what struck me as an unfair attack by CNN on his “personal story” (having to do […]

Tancredo Rejects the GOoP

by Smitty Tom Tancredo offers the kind of leadership the GOoP needs: The Boehner budget deal is the last straw, and enough is enough. I cannot any longer defend this transparently dishonest charade called the Republican Party. What I will do instead is join the largest political group in the nation, unaffiliated Independents. In Colorado, […]

Santorum Says Immigration ‘Flooding This Country’ With Low-Wage Workers

Allan Wall calls attention to an exchange in Wednesday’s “undercard” debate in which Rick Santorum discussed the economic impact of immigration on America’s working class: [W]e have the lowest labor participation rate in 50 years and we also have the slowest growth in wages in the history of our country, any 20-year period. In fact, the […]

Rubio Knocks Out Jeb Bush in Debate

  The general consensus, and also my own personal opinion, is that Marco Rubio was the big winner of Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate on CNBC. Polls have shown Rubio stuck in the second tier behind the two “outsider” candidates who are the current front-runners, Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Rubio is young, smart and articulate, […]

What Winding Webbs Woyalty Weaves

by Smitty Jim Webb has never quite added up for me. Fellow IFNAG, political opportunist who beat George Allen, both for Senate in 2006, and for Most Boring Senator From Virginia, is supposedly about to feel something about an independent run. The only motive I can figure out for this quixotic effort is to make […]

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