The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Love The Sound Of Citizenship Arguments In The Morning–No I Don’t

by Smitty Update: Human Events is not Town Hall. Michael Zak at Human Events: Now that Mitt Romney has become the presumptive Republican nominee, there is speculation that the junior senator from Florida will be his running mate. Marco Rubio’s parents were from Cuba and did not become U.S. citizens until he was four years […]

#StillNotReady: RNC Video Slams Obama

The Right Scoop notes that the Republican Nation Committee is encouraging the Twitter hashtag #StillNotReady to promote this video: By the way, you are following me on Twitter, right?  

Top Democrat Name-Checks ‘Koch Brothers’ in Fundraising Appeal

The executive director of the Democratic National Committee slammed Americans for Prosperity as a “mysterious, secretly funded, Koch-brothers-backed group” in a fundraising e-mail seeking contributions to help Democrats “fight back” and defend President Obama. American Crossroads, a so-called “super PAC” led by conservatives including former Bush campaign strategist Karl Rove, was also targeted in the […]

BREAKING: Newt Gingrich Will End Pathetic Shuffling Zombie Campaign

Seems like just the other day “sources close to the campaign” were saying Newt would go all the way to Tampa, but now — probably just about the time their paychecks started bouncing — “two sources close to Gingrich tell CNN” otherwise. UPDATE: While everybody’s busy scripting their Downfall video parodies, here are more details from inside the […]

Gingrich Gets Stomped by 30 Points in Delaware; Fourth in Pennsylvania

As predicted, the talk of Newt Gingrich winning Delaware turned out to have been delusional: Mitt Romney got 57% to Gingrich’s 27% in the state where Newt had campaigned heavily in recent weeks. We have known since April 8 that Gingrich’s campaign was more than $4 million in debt. By continuing his campaign another 16 […]

Newt’s Delaware Delusion

When the FEC reports were released Friday, showing that Newt Gingrich ended March with $4.3 million in campaign debt, I noted talk of a comeback in today’s Delaware primary: Alex Moe of NBC News reports that Gingrich has been spending most of his time in Delaware, which holds its primary Tuesday, and quotes “a source close […]


by Smitty Nothing unexpected here, just another litany of how unserious #OccupyResoluteDesk is: via Red Alexandria

Is VA Gov. McDonnell’s Regent U. Thesis An Example?

by Smitty Instapundit: Have you noticed that the Dems keep coming up with some sure-fire talking point, and then the people on the right take it, turn it around, and then just keep hammering it until the Dems beg for mercy? Or, anyway, start trying to change the subject. Ed Driscoll on Twitter last night: […]

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