The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Creepiest News of the Day (So Far)

It’s not yet 6 p.m. ET, so I suppose something weirder might still come along, but so far? Yeah, this is definitely it: Bill Johnson, a former Alabama gubernatorial candidate, has left his wife and family in Prattville to be with babies he secretly conceived as a sperm donor in New Zealand. Johnson’s wife, Kathy Hale […]

RINO Hunters: Nice Six-Term Senate Career You Had There, Dick Lugar

In the span of barely a month, polls in the Indiana Republican primary race between incumbent Sen. Dick Lugar and challenger Richard Mourdock have gone from a 7-point lead for Lugar to a 10-point lead for Mourdock. With the primary now just four days away, the headlines: Dick Lugar In Deep Trouble, A New Poll […]

VIDEO: Ohio’s Josh Mandel Is Awesome

The Republican challenger to Democrat Sherrod Brown in Ohio’s Senate race puts on his combat boots in this new ad: Earlier this week, Mandel was endorsed by National Right to Life PAC. The Democrats are clearly worried about this sharp young GOP challenger in a key battleground state. Think of it as “reverse coattails”: A […]

It Never Happened, Nobody Saw It Happen, and I Was Never There

Ben Howe, Moe Lane, Roger Simon, Bryan Preston, Paul Mirengoff, Gabriel Malor, Rob Bluey, Dan Riehl, Ace of Spades,  Mike Flynn, Philip Klein, Jim Antle, Michael Brendan Dougherty, Justin Hart, John Hawkins, Adam Tragone, Alana Goodman, Mary Katharine Ham, Katie Pavlich, Stephen Hayes, Alex Pappas, Byron York, Matt Lewis, Lachlan Markay, James Joyner, Amanda Carpenter, Jim Geraghty […]

Aren’t You Glad You Supported Newt?

It was on Nov. 14 — when Newt Gingrich first emerged atop the polls — that I warned “Newt can’t beat Romney,” and further said that if, after the Florida primary, we were “left with a choice between Newt and Mitt, I’ll endorse Mitt.” Thank God and Rick Santorum, it never came down to that, […]

Ruh-Roh: Watchdog Warns of ‘Red Flags’ in Gingrich Campaign’s Financial Reports

Newt Gingrich campaigns in Fort Myers, Fla., Jan. 30, 2012 Before we get to the news, let me make a disclaimer: Every time I criticize Newt Gingrich’s disastrous presidential campaign, some of Newt’s supporters get angry at me and seem to miss the point of my criticism. From my perspective, the person Gingrich’s admirers should be […]

Obama Ad: If Romney’s Extremities Get Any More Extremely Extreme, His Limbs Gonna Fly Off And Hit Somebody

by Smitty This Obama campaign ad is kind of a hoot: I suppose the point here is to terrify the ‘hen-house’ with the notion that Mitt is some big, bad wolf. Thoughts: Are women, in general, the kind of dupes implied by this ad, who can easily be driven about the chicken coop with plays […]

Contemptible Attorney General Found In Contempt Of Congress

by Smitty Breitbart: Republican House leaders are finally holding Attorney General Eric Holder accountable for some of his actions. Representative Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, drafted a 48-page contempt of Congress citation against him. The charge? Repeatedly obstructing and slowing the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. This […]

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