The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

MSNBC Host Loses It When Reporter Won’t Play Along With ‘Get Mitt’ Meme

Tim Carney had a piece this morning about BullyGate and “the casual indifference The Post displays as it destroys lives in pursuit of its goal of electing Democrats.” Somehow, Tim got booked onto MSNBC, where host Tamron Hall wanted him to play along with the game. Amid her increasingly angry interruptions, Carney managed to speak some […]

Hard Times in WaPoVille: ‘BullyGate’ Timing Questioned on ‘Morning Joe’

If they’ve lost Morning Joe . . . “And there’s no doubt that . . . the timing of this obviously is in line with Barack Obama coming out a couple of days ago, saying — I’m sorry. It’s a fun — I mean, the media response to Barack Obama saying absolutely nothing. In the […]

‘BullyGate’: What Did Jason Horowitz Know, and When Did He Know It?

The implosion of the Washington Post‘s “BullyGate” story — a rapidly rising item on Memeorandum today — has sparked questions about the sourcing of reporter Jason Horowitz’s article: A key element of the Washington Post’s 5,000-word account of Mitt Romney’s alleged high-school bullying is based on a second-hand account of a conversation with a dead […]

No ‘BullyGate’ Pulitzer for WaPo?
UPDATE: Using a Second-Hand Source for a Dead Man’s Words? WTF?

Three recent headlines in the URGENT BREAKING SCANDAL: Source for WaPo’s Romney hit piece: Actually, I wasn’t present during the prank — Hot Air Sister of Alleged Romney Target Has ‘No Knowledge’ of Any Bullying Incident — ABC News A question emerges in reading the Washington Post piece … — Daily Caller Of course, this […]

Probably Just a Coincidence

After public schools have spent the past two years engaged in elaborate (and federally funded) “anti-bullying” programs — with especial emphasis on protecting kids from the evils of homophobia — the Washington Post publishes a 5,000-word article portraying Mitt Romney as having been a high school bully who picked on gay kids. By the way: […]

Say Good-Bye, Dick; Orrin’s Next

Sen. Dick Lugar lost the Indiana GOP primary to challenger Richard Mourdock and it wasn’t even close: 61% for Mourdock, 39% for Lugar. The response from Republican leadership? RINO-tastic: Looking toward the November election, National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said two weeks ago that “it will probably make it more of […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Time to Quit Whining and Get to Work

This will be brief, but expect additions to follow in updates. Rick Santorum is now urging his supporters to get behind Mitt Romney: Rick Santorum has officially endorsed Mitt Romney, and notified his supporters in an email sent Monday night. In the email, the former presidential candidate cited his Friday meeting with Romney in his […]

Team Mitt: Let Them Do Their Jobs

Romney campaign senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom talks to reporters after CNN Republican debate, Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 26, 2012 One of the dangerous temptations of political journalism is to begin thinking that it’s your job to tell politicians what to do. Like any other citizen, you have the right to express your opinion, but your job […]

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