The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How Did Fausta Miss That Joke?

by Smitty Normally she’s got those dots connected in a jiffy:

Creative Ideas About Media Bias

There are few things more boring than listening to conservatives complain about liberal bias in the media. We’ve heard it all before and nothing ever changes, because the people who run the media sincerely believe one of two things: Their coverage is actually objective and balanced; or Republicans are a dangerous menace — genuinely evil […]

Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Convicted Felon Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Raised $1.8 Million in Six Years
UPDATE: ‘Convicted of Perjury’

When terrorist Brett Kimberlin was convicted of multiple felonies in 1981, he could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison. Federal tax forms filed by convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s tax-exempt non-profit Justice Through Music Project (JTMP) show that the 501(c)3 group collected $1.8 million in gifts, grants and other contributions during its first six […]

Is ‘Morally Repugnant Political Whores’ an Acceptable Synonym for ‘Democrats’?

Apparently, Mike Huckabee doesn’t think so, because he’s asking Citizens United to pull a fundraising letter he “wrote” that used that phrase to describe Obama’s advisers. Our First Gay President Who Ate a Dog is the target of a $25 million TV advertising campaign by a conservative super-PAC: Isn’t it weird how that ad completely […]

Is @MaggiePolitico the Favorite Girl in David Axelrod’s Stenography Pool?

Drew M. at AOSHQ catches Team Obama’s Pet pushing Democrat oppo research against a dude who appears in a new Romney campaign ad. Here’s the ad, and the dude Hagerman blows up is Jason “Jay” Clausen, who got laid off from his job in Iowa: Permit me to say, from long experience, that political reporters get tips […]

Sarah Palin, Herman Cain Help Nebraska Underdog Deb Fischer Win Primary

The first sentence of this story about the GOP Senate primary by Josh Lederman in the Hill absurdly portrays state Sen. Deb Fischer’s victory over Nebraska State Attorney General Jon Bruning as “dealing a blow to both the Republican establishment and the Tea Party.” This is stupid. If the Republican establishment loses to a candidate […]

Distraction Tactic Backfires: Romney Gains in Polls After Obama Gay Shift

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign strategy could be summarized in four words: “It’s Obama’s Economy, Stupid.” Romney and his aides have made clear that they regard every other issue as a distraction from what polls — as well as common sense — indicate as the main concern of American voters: Jobs, the economy and the explosion […]

Bias by Omission: What the WaPo Didn’t Include in Its ‘BullyGate’ Hit Job

Susan Swift at Big Journalism located a profile feature about Mitt Romney in Automobile magazine, including quotes from some of the same sources used in Jason Horowitz’s “BullyGate” story. One of the common sources was Phillip Maxwell, who is quoted by the WaPo as an authority on the Infamous Homophobic Bullying Haircut. So, what didn’t […]

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