The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Mark Hamill Who Thinks Romney Isn’t Human. . .

by Smitty . . .is that this Mark Hamill? Because if it is, then, Mark: you need to lay by your dish, dude. *cough*metrosexual*cough*

More Cause for Panic at Obama HQ

Mitt Romney’s “Restore Our Future” super-PAC raised a record $20 million in June, yet another signal that Team Obama’s hoped-for financial advantage in the 2012 campaign has failed to materialize. The latest flurry of Democrat attacks on Romney’s private-sector experience — the frantic screams of “Bain! Bain! Bain!” — must be seen for what they are, […]

‘They’re Demoralized as Hell!’

Jammie Wearing Fools recently pointed out that the June fundraising numbers inspired a sense of panic at Obama HQ, with one anonymous Democrat saying, “If people are freaked out, I think they should be freaked out.” And you can expect the Democrat freakout to intensify next Friday when we get the official FEC reports for […]

For @dmataconis: Romney Campaign Bus In Centerville, VA

by Smitty Doug Mataconis is a sharp guy and frequent interlocutor on Twitter. While I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him in person, but he taps into my lingering well of resentment toward all of the preppy, teacher’s pet, condescending snobs back in high school. May I be wrong, and have the pleasure of […]

Why Would Mitt Romney’s Campaign Manager Deliberately Insult Me?

After nearly two months of being up to my eyeballs in the Brett Kimberlin story, and becoming concerned about symptoms of journalistic burnout, yesterday I decided it’s about time to hit the road and do some campaign trail reporting. So I called up one of my contacts with the Mitt Romney presidential campaign and talked […]

Mitt Romney: Scrappy Underdog?

Today I watched Mitt Romney’s speech to the NAACP convention and was impressed that he did not pander. Yes, portions of his speech were aimed specifically at his audience — Romney talked a lot about education reform as a means of promoting opportunity — but for the most part, Mitt gave his standard Republican stump speech, […]

Permit Me to Remind You: Obama Still Has More Campaign Cash Than Mitt

A fact I pointed out yesterday: [T]he Obama campaign entered June with a cash-on-hand advantage of more than $90 million ($109 million to Romney’s $17 million). And during May, Team Obama out-spent Team Mitt by nearly $30 million ($44.6 million to Romney’s $15.6 million). Keep that in mind when you read this: Senior White House adviser […]

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Former Democrat Unexpectedly Addresses NOVA Tea Party

by Smitty The World’s Youngest Blogger and I caught up with Artur Davis three weeks ago at the Fairfax County GOP. Here we are this time at Grevey’s, which did a good job of handling an overflow crowd*. If you only have time for one clip, I did pan to the World’s Youngest Blogger at the […]

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