The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Panic Time in Hopeville: GOP/Romney Report Record July Fundraising

OK, the important thing here is $185.9 million cash on hand for the Republican team, because we know that (a) DNC fundraising is in the toilet, and (b) the Obama campaign’s “burn rate” in June was already unsustainable. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air: Team Obama was already more than $20 million down on cash-on-hand after […]


This is an emergency post. Driving back from the AFP Defending the Dream Summit in D.C., I pulled off the freeway and logged on at a Burger King to get this online as quickly as possible: Mitt Romney must choose Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential nominee, period. There is no time now to fully […]

Obama Adviser on Solyndra: ‘Ugh’

Congressional investigators got hold of some e-mails between Obama administration officials about the Solyndra deal, and White House adviser Stephanie Cutter’s one-word summary — “Ugh” — gets the headline treatment from Zeke Miller at Buzzfeed. Y’know what I’m noticing about that e-mail, though? It was CC’d to President Obama’s campaign strategist David Plouffe. Kinda interesting. Anyway, […]

Harry Reid’s Financial McCarthyism: ‘I Don’t Think the Burden Should Be on Me’

The top Senate Democrat evidently believes he can make outrageous accusations based on anonymous secondhand “sources” and then require the accused to disprove his accusations: Earlier this week, Harry Reid revealed why Mitt Romney is refusing to release more tax returns: He didn’t pay taxes for an entire decade! It almost sounds too crazy to […]

Massively Indebted, Budgetless Government Decides To Let The Taxes Ride With The Spending

by Smitty I’m not asking to have my taxes raised, or to watch the stake go through the heart of the economy. But Congress just kicked the fiscal can down the road again: Yet, in a sign that Wednesday’s vote was more about message than substance, the House made no move to launch a formal […]

Question the Timing (and Sample): Poll Shows Obama Leading in Swing States

You will remember that Democrats were panicking last month at the realization that Mitt Romney and the GOP outraised the DNC/Obama team in June, and that Obama’s unsustainable “burn rate” — pouring on a 2-to-1 ad blitz — had failed to move independent voters. Everything the Dems had done was being sabotaged by Obama’s tone-deaf “you didn’t […]

… And the Pulitzer Prize for Recycling Second-Hand Rumors From HuffPo …

. . . goes to the Washington Post: Mind you the Washington Post isn’t citing an unnamed source that has talked to them, they are reporting that someone else (Harry Reid) claims that an unnamed source said something. I don’t claim to have been in this business all that many years, but I know enough […]

There Are Still 5 A’s in ‘RAAAAACISM!’

At least in English. The Polish translation, I’m not sure: Linda Wertheimer, National Public Radio: So today [Mitt Romney is in] Poland. Why is he stopping in Poland. What does he hope to accomplish with that? Cokie Roberts: Well, I think part of it was a desire to portray President Obama as something of a […]

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