The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Hashtag That Changed History

“This is an emergency post. . . . Mitt Romney must choose Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential nominee, period.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Aug. 4, 2012 Who would have thunk it, huh? Friday night I went to bed early, and Ali Akbar kept calling to tell me the news, but my wife couldn’t […]

Romney Ad: ‘America Deserves Better’

My shock at the raw dishonesty of the Democrats — and polls indicating that Americans have become indifferent to truth — is evidently shared by the Romney campaign: The Romney campaign supplies the script of the ad: AD FACTS: Script For “America Deserves Better” VOICEOVER: “What does it say about a president’s character when his campaign tries to […]

Polls Confirm: America Loves Liars

Is anyone else troubled by the evidence that this lie-a-minute strategy by the Obama campaign is working? The CNN poll shows Obama leading by 7 points and the Fox News poll shows him ahead by 9 points, and I’m at a loss to think of anything in the past couple of weeks that could have moved […]

Hey, @MittRomney: This #GiveUsRyan Hashtag Is Becoming Kinda Popular

When Ali Akbar came up with the #GiveUsRyan hashtag — Saturday afternoon, after I made an emergency stop at Burger King to blog about the importance of making Paul Ryan the Republican VP candidate — I was severely skeptical about the ability of a bunch of bloggers to influence events. Four days later, my skepticism […]

VP Tea Leaves: Is Mitt’s Short List Now Down to Pawlenty, Portman or Ryan?

There are signals — both in terms of actual evidence and what might be called “absence of evidence” — that Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential choices have now come down to three Midwesterners: former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. It appears that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has been eliminated […]

His Initials Are W.A.R.

The brilliant Wayne Allyn Root suggests that Mitt Romney call Obama’s bluff, Mitt offering to release his tax returns in return for Obama releasing his college transcripts: My bet is that Obama will never unseal his records because they contain information that could destroy his chances for re-election. Once this challenge is made public, my […]

When Liars ‘Win’

Nothing should enrage honest people more than to see liars succeed through their skill at deceit — or, as often as not, to see liars succeed because so many people have become indifferent to truth, as in the case of the media’s favorite phony “expert,” Ryan Holiday. When liars succeed, this represents the triumph of […]

“Yes We Can” Didn’t Happen

by Smitty But let’s be generous with #OccupyResoluteDesk: He did do that to our economy. via Brietbart Update: linked at American Glob. Go, Aliester! Update II: linked at Jackie Wellfonder.

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