The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nancy Reagan, R.I.P.

  The headlines via Memeorandum: Nancy Reagan, an Influential and Stylish First Lady, Dies at 94 — New York Times Nancy Reagan, Former First Lady, Dies at 94 — ABC News Nancy Reagan — Dead at 94 — TMZ Former First Lady Nancy Reagan Dead at 94 — NBC News She was classy and shrewd, […]

Fox News Is Corrupt and Unethical

It was never a good idea for conservatives to put all their media eggs in Rupert Murdoch’s basket, and this story about Marco Rubio’s role in the 2013 “Gang of Eight” deal explains why: A few weeks after Senator Marco Rubio joined a bipartisan push for an immigration overhaul in 2013, he arrived alongside Senator […]

Note To The Trumpenproletariat

by Smitty There is a reason why the Ace of Spades is such a crucial blogger: My problem with Trump is that he is a dealmaker trying to make a sale. Right now he’s trying to make a deal with conservatives — so this is the very most conservative we’ll ever see him. If he […]

#GOPDebate Feedback: Women In Combat Is A Progressive Position

by Smitty The GOP debate in New Hampshire was relatively well done, once everyone got onto the stage. The one curve ball is the topic of this blog post. Sorry, Governor Christie, there is no “natural right” to serve in the military, and the overall swellness of any individual aspiration to serve is not a […]


Jeb Bush will lose. The question is, will he be crushed, embarrassed and humiliated so badly that he quits? Probably not: Jeb Bush’s supporters have spent $15 million on slickly produced ads to win over Iowa voters. Barely registering in the polls and increasingly desperate in the shadow of the Iowa caucuses, he’s now trying […]

Is This Donald Trump’s Testimony?

by Smitty Byron York talks to The Hair and The Donald beneath it, asking the following: Let’s go to Ted Cruz. He is apparently testing ways to attack you in Iowa. His campaign is calling people, testing, saying you have never asked God for forgiveness, saying you’re a “New York liberal pretending to have conservative […]

When Marxists Aren’t Enough: Are We Really Considering A Used Car Salesman?

by Smitty [View the story “Trump: Seriously?” on Storify]

GOP to NBC: Drop Dead

Matthew Boyle at Breitbart reports: The Republican National Committee (RNC) officially voted on Monday afternoon to sever its business relationship with NBC News for the previously-scheduled Feb. 26, 2016, GOP presidential primary debate, Breitbart News has learned. The Debate Committee for the RNC met via conference call and after hearing updates from RNC chairman Reince […]

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