The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ohio-Bound: Hitting the Road With Mitt

By the time you read this, I’ll be about halfway to Beallsville, Ohio, where Mitt Romney has the first of his three campaign stops today: 12:30 p.m. ET: American Energy Corporation 43521 Mayhugh Road Beallsville, Ohio 3:30 p.m. ET: Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl 532 Mcintire Avenue Zanesville, Ohio 7:00 p.m. ET: Ross County Court House […]

The Onion: “Don’t Even Try To Pretend You Haven’t Imagined Me Being Elected President One Day.’

by Smitty Your NSFW potty mouth of the day, via AllahPundit on Twitter, is a faux Paul Ryan in the Onion: Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving S**t Out Of You [Lefties], Don’t I? This is one of the key aspects of Ryan: he’s young enough that, after 8 years of executive tutelage under Romney, […]

#RomneyRyan Ohio: Shout It Out Loud!

“These are the biggest crowds, some of the biggest enthusiasm that we’ve seen at Romney campaign events . . . This is as loud as I have heard a Romney campaign rally . . . This crowd is fired up. This campaign is fired up right now.” — Jim Acosta, CNN, Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012 […]

New Video From #RomneyRyan Campaign: ‘America’s Comeback Team’

“I’m proud to stand with a man who understands what it takes to foster job creation in our economy, someone who knows from experience, that if you have a small business — you did build that. . . . I’m excited for what lies ahead and I’m thrilled to be a part of America’s Comeback […]

C-3PO Raids the Death Star

Allahpundit trembles between fear and hope: Has there ever been a campaign that went, literally overnight, from being about nothing to leaping neck-deep into the most treacherous, dangerous issue in American politics? Until [Friday] night, I thought Romney was running for president because he wanted to be president, full stop. Everything about him suggested personal ambition […]

Secret Service Code Name: ‘Dreamy’

MANASSAS, Virginia — Just left a Romney-Ryan rally in downtown Manassas. The crowd was huge, numbering in the thousands. Other reporters kept trying to make an estimate of the numbers, and all I could say was, “overflow.” The crowd filled the pavillion and overflowed off in every direction. People stood in line for blocks in […]

Manassas, VA #RomneyRyan2012 Event

by Smitty The announcement in Norfolk, VA, with the USS Wisconsin in the background was a nice touch, as the Romney campaign tours this battleground state, going through the Obama-Biden ticket in proverbial fashion today: I’m off to go cover the Manassas rally. If fortune smiles, I might link up with Stacy and try to […]

New Democrat Campaign Message: Grandma, Cliff, Some Assembly Required

Members of the Democrat-Media Complex like Charles Pierce of Esquire and James Fallows of the Atlantic are already registering their disdain of Paul Ryan, and the Democrats are busy e-mailing their massive oppo-research PDF dossier to reporters, so the media attacks on Ryan are pre-scripted dictation from the DNC research department. This is predictable, and […]

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