The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

On the Romney Video: ‘The Q&A Didn’t Turn Out as Well as He Had Hoped’

Let’s begin by nominating Jimmie Bise Jr. for the Pulitzer Prize for Humorous Understatement. That there’s funny, I don’t care who you are. Meanwhile, in the Real 1% — the pro-Obama media — the latest furor is over a second clip from the same secret (and possibly illegally recorded) video in which Romney criticizes talk of Mideast […]

Hyperbole Help For The Telegraph: ‘Romney Singularity Threatens Space-Time Continuum’

by Smitty The spectacular implosion of Mitt Romney means a no-choice US election, emphasis mine: It is impossible to imagine Ronald Reagan saying, or thinking, that 47 per cent of Americans should be written off. He would have wanted to try and persuade those overly reliant on the state that they could be liberated, and […]

VIDEO: ‘A Prairie Fire of Debt’

“A prairie fire of debt is sweeping across the nation. And every day we fail to act, that fire gets closer to the homes and the children we love. And rather than putting out the spending fire, President Obama has been feeding it. He has spent more and borrowed more. The time has come for […]

Department of Unfortunate Analogies

Perhaps you remember a fellow named Todd Akin. You may wish you could forget having ever heard the name, but I think you probably remember. Think back to the morning of Sunday, Aug. 19. The Republican National Convention was still eight days away, and Isaac wasn’t even a tropical depression yet. And then came the […]

Ambush: Media Exploit Obama’s ‘Clear Advantage’ Narrative Against Romney

Protesters at U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 Many people were shocked by the hot-mike incident Wednesday, in which reporters were overheard coordinating their questions before a Mitt Romney press conference, planning to question the candidate about whether he regretted his statements about the Libyan attack that killed four Americans, and how his […]

Obama’s ‘Bounce’ That Wasn’t

“To put it as bluntly as possible, the economy sucks, and the attempt by Democrats to exculpate Obama for this situation — to place the blame on Republicans, or to say that the economy would suck even worse if Romney were elected — is perhaps more difficult than Nate Silver’s statistics suggest.” — Robert Stacy […]

Obama Campaign Fundraising Claim Deserves More Than a Few Grains of Salt

August was not yet over when word got around during the Republican convention in Tampa that Romney and the GOP had raised more than $100 million in August — their third consecutive month of nine-digit fundraising. The Democrats had nothing to say in reply at that time. You could hear the crickets chirping at Obama […]

Mitt Romney Spars With David Gregory On Meet The Press

by Smitty Highly recommended: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Romney seemed completely controlled, not engaging where and when and to his desired degree on every point. Can anyone think of a time #OccupyResoluteDesk has faced an interview of even half this rigor? Via Althouse, the transcript.

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