The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Romney Debates Crowley And Obama On Benghazi, Wins

by Smitty Benghazi was the pivotal moment in the town hall debate, in my opinion, and that of some others: “act of terror” is to Obama what “is” was to Clinton — Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) October 17, 2012   Via BlueGrass pundit: What a sad, pathetic joke that Obama has to have a woman attempt […]

‘STAKE THROUGH HIS HEART’: Your Official Town Hall Debate Thread

UPDATE 10:50 p.m. ET: Watching MSNBC so you don’t have to: Chris Matthews is wetting his pants in joy, gibbering like a meth freak on laughing gas. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 17, 2012 Ed Schultz calls it a “stellar performance” for Obama. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 17, 2012 @maddow “Best debate […]

The Most Important Voter in America

A lot of people laughed at this news last week, but if only she lived in a swing state, Lindsay Lohan would be the perfect example of why Barack Obama’s on the verge of losing this election: Lohan is a low information voter convinced that (a) employment is really important, (b) thinks that employment is not […]

Does This Explain Something?
UPDATE: What a Cover-Up Looks Like

Why is Obama still leading Mitt Romney in Ohio, but trailing in Florida? This puzzle might be explained by the early blitz of attack ads the Obama campaign laid down against Romney in Ohio back in May and June, which created a sort of “opinion deficit” that Romney has had to try to make up during the […]

Four Score And Five Interruptions Ago. . .

by Smitty Four score and five interruptions ago our zany uncle brought forth on this continent a new indignation, conceived in contempt for liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created to serve the state. Now we are engaged in a soft civil war, testing whether that indignation, or any indignation, so […]

Further Proof That Chicks Dig Mitt UPDATE: @Tawny_Kitaen, Too? OMG!

#tcot @lindsaylohan OK, it’s official: You are now my favorite… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 12, 2012 @lindsaylohan But let’s keep this entre nous, OK? If @alyssa_milano finds out, there could be trouble. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 12, 2012 The so-called “gender gap” is caused by ugly women who feel rejected […]

Yes There Are Two Paths You Can Go By, But In The Long Run, BHO Is Leaden; Romney, Golden

by Smitty Where are the corresponding montages from the CommiesDemocrats? Lots of great nuggets, after a review of #OccupyResoluteDesk’s wretched record: via NiceDeb

Expect the Unexpected: Why Liberals Suddenly Melted Down After the Debate

Da Tech Guy points out that the latest Pew poll has caused the Washington Post‘s Jon Cohen to join the ranks of “poll denialists.” Until this week, only conservatives were calling attention to the Democrat/Republican/Indpendent distribution of poll samples, which were often showing skewed numbers that defied any rational expectation of what the 2012 electorate would look […]

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