The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Children cheer Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney in Marion, Ohio MARION, Ohio Last night I was on deadline and didn’t have time to upload photos from the Romney-Ryan “Victory Rally” at the Marion County Fairgrounds Coliseum, so here they are: Paul Ryan addresses the crowd while Mitt Romney, Rob Portman, and Janna Ryan listen. “Campaign […]

FROM OHIO: Schedule Scrambled; Obama, Romney Cancel Campaign Events

MARION, Ohio Looks like Hurricane Sandy has already caused major damage to my plans for the next couple of days, as both Mitt Romney and President Obama are canceling campaign events because of Hurricane Sandy’s impact on the East Coast. By the way, this storm is so large we’re getting effects as far inland as […]


UPDATE 11:09 p.m. ET: Well, I’ve got to write something longer than 140 characters for the American Spectator tomorrow, so I’ll leave you with this: BREAKING: Obama wins debate, according to Muslim Brotherhood focus group. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 23, 2012 Watching #MSNBC: Chris Matthews isn’t giddy. That means, Romney won. — Robert […]

RNC Trounces DNC in Fundraising as Democrat Party Goes Bankrupt

The official Federal Election Committee reports for September are out, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s DNC is a complete wreck. The Democrats ended September with cash on hand of $4.6 million, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $82.6 million. That’s nearly an 18-to-1 cash advantage for Republicans. Worse still for the DNC, they had to take […]

VIDEO: Romney Touts Bipartisanship in Positive New Campaign Ad

Very simple — a clip from the second debate: This ad should scare the daylights out of Democrats: For Romney to be running a positive ad this late in the campaign is a gesture of confidence. And it is likewise a gesture of confidence for Romney to be making this kind of appeal to bipartisanship, […]

GALLUP: ROMNEY 52, OBAMA 45 — Let the Great 2012 Liberal Freak-Out Begin!

They convinced themselves that Obama “won” Tuesday’s debate, but Romney actually gains in the first Gallup national tracking poll with post-debate reaction? Oh, boy. UPDATE: Ace explains what happened:  The debate was not a victory for Obama. It was a confirmation of Romney’s acceptability, plausibility, and fitness for office. Yesterday, Sully admitted he had been “on […]

Military Endorsements Aren’t Decisive. That Said: WOW!

by Smitty In deference to #OccupyResoluteDesk, he has half a dozen military endorsements: Name Note Wesley Clark, four star General (Ret), former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, 2004 presidential candidate Tool. Richard Danzig, former Secretary of the Navy Not a proper veteran, but we can’t get to ‘half a dozen’ without some sort of […]

Department of Unfortunate Quotations

Suppose that a father wished to advise his son against taking liberties with young ladies, lest the boy be unfairly accused of a crime. Now, suppose that the boy grew up to be a Republican state legislator in Wisconsin, and decided that his dear old Dad’s advice would be worth sharing with the press. Prepare to […]

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