The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Retire #Taxby Chambliss

If #Taxby Chambliss gets away with insulting Georgia taxpayers, what’s to stop him from going full-out RINO? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 26, 2012 Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss can blame no one else for his self-destructive decision to repudiate his pledge to Georgia taxpayers. His foolish decision to demonize Grover Norquist of Americans for […]

The 2016 Campaign Begins

Marco Rubio goes to Iowa: Seven hundred people turned out to see the Florida senator at the annual  birthday fundraiser bash for GOP Gov. Terry Branstad. Rubio had the spotlight  all to himself — he said he was merely here to help the governor mark his 66th  birthday, but no one believed it for a […]

Paranoid Theory: ‘Karl Rove Was Out Raising Money to Keep Santorum Alive’

James Yanke at Reaganite Republican links to an article at Business Insider in which Grace Wyler gives credence to a paranoid theory offered by evangelical leader David Lane: Karl stepped on Rick Perry and then Newt Gingrich every chance he got — albeit with deceit and sophistication — and elevated Mitt Romney at strategic, crucial […]

ORCA: Romney’s Killer Fail

Back home this evening after a 12-day road trip to Ohio, I’m perusing accounts of how the Romney campaign recruited 37,00 volunteers to participate in its ORCA project to monitor Election Day turnout, a project that turned out to be a spectacular failure of epic proportions. The name that keeps coming up in these accounts […]

“We’ll Fight Again Tomorrow”

— by Wombat-socho The post title, of course, is from Michelle Malkin’s morning after column, which was a bright torch amid the gloom of Obama’s victory. Indeed, conservatives must stand tall, resist the siren songs of “moderation” and “compromise” and continue to present America with a choice, not an echo. We must take note of […]


A Romney supporter in West Chester, Ohio, Nov. 2, 2012 (Photo by Ali Akbar) BLUE ASH, Ohio Friday night’s event at Union Centre in West Chester has been called a Republican “all-star” rally, the largest so far for the Romney campaign, as the Cincinnati Enquirer reports: The presidential race returned to Ohio for the final push Friday […]


Ann Romney (center) with Jane Portman and Cindy McCain HAMILTON, Ohio At the Vinylmax window factory here, about 150 Republicans — mostly women — gathered for an event with Ann Romney, who was joined by Jane Portman (wife of Ohio Sen. Rob Portman) and Cindy McCain (about whose senator husband and celebrity daughter, we will politely say nothing). […]

Raaaaacist, Sexist Republican Cuts Ad For Female Minority Candidate In Utah

by Smitty You can tell the depth and vigor of a candidate’s commitment to Thought Crime by their willingness to compensate for their perfidy: See how a candidate papers over his misogyny and xenophobia with kind words? Don’t believe your lying eyes and ears. Listen to what Uncle Dave Axelrod says: Republicans hate all non-rich, […]

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