The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Butt-Hurt Jeb Bush Blames the Pope?

Moaning on MSNBC about his defeat in the GOP primaries — his campaign spent $34 million for nothing — Jeb Bush needed a big scapegoat: Asked about his final days on the campaign trail, Bush reflected on the South Carolina primary during which he was in a three-way tie behind Trump with Sens. Marco Rubio […]

A Balm For Conservatives In Trumpreich

by Smitty Given time constraints and general bewilderment at the Democrat takeover of the GOP, there just hasn’t been much to say. Hopefully Darleen will get Friday Fiction going again. On Twitter, it’s been an endless parade of horribles if I don’t join the Trumpenproletariat. Fortunately, the indispensable Jonah Goldberg offers a fine read to […]

Fear And Loathing In Reno: What I Saw At The Nevada State GOP Convention

— by Wombat-socho It all started at the chaotic Clark County Republican convention back in April, which I attended as an alternate from my precinct and wound up leaving early so I didn’t miss too much of a Saturday in the tax mines. Shortly before my departure, volunteers for the Cruz campaign encouraged me to […]

Trump Trolls His ‘Christian’ Chumps

by Smitty Hot Air has the audio clip. It’s a relatively obvious troll. It underscores the notions that either (a) Trump isn’t even slightly serious about the job for which he’s purportedly campaigning, or (b) if there is a serious bone in his body, it’s dislocated from any real competence. I’m actively curious as to […]

Cruz, Sanders Win Wisconsin

Tuesday was a bad night for front-runners in both parties: Senator Ted Cruz soundly defeated Donald J. Trump in the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday, breathing new life into efforts to halt Mr. Trump’s divisive presidential candidacy and dealing a blow to his chances of clinching the Republican nomination before the party’s summer convention. With more […]

Presidential Race, The Final Frontier

by Smitty Presidential Race, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the barship Trumpyprize. Its 5-beer mission: to explore strange gutteral worlds, to seek out new lies and old provocations, to boldly, emphatically, and with scant relation to facts set about making America greatly hydrated again with Brawndo.

Ross Douthat Seems To Think @TedCruz Is As Cynical As The Donald Himself

by Smitty In reply to Who Is Ted Cruz?, I’ve got to say: judge the tree by the fruit. A sample: With Cruz, though, even the most fervent peroration always feels like a debater’s patter, an advocate’s brief — compelling enough on the merits, but more of a command performance than a window into deep […]

Many Thanks To Katie Packer For “Our Principles PAC”

by Smitty First, keep calm. Do not let the melodious strains of noise akin to “Jesus Built My Hotrod” that seem to pour forth from the media distract you from the purpose of restoring the country. We’re going to make it through this. The Civil, First and Second World Wars still eclipse the current insanity […]

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