The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hey, GOP: The IRS Is A Substantial Reform Target

by Smitty Let’s face it: the IRS tax code is still a nightmare. It is too complex, too costly and too unfair. There is something fundamentally wrong when roughly 60 percent of hardworking taxpayers have to hire a professional just to do their taxes. You shouldn’t need an army of lawyers and accountants to understand […]

Professional GOP Swindlers

It seems that David Dewhurst’s campaign manager broke Rule One of the Republican Party Operative Handbook: “Don’t get caught.” AUSTIN — Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s campaign manager is under criminal scrutiny, suspected of stealing at least $600,000 — and possibly more than $1 million — from the Republican’s political accounts over the past several years. […]

How Romney Lost America

AOSHQ co-blogger Drew M on Twitter recommended this Boston Globe retrospective on the Romney campaign as thoroughly depressing: It was two weeks before Election Day when Mitt Romney’s political ­director signed a memo that all but ridiculed the notion that the Republican presidential nominee, with his “better ground game,” could lose the key state of […]

Put Stakes In The Hearts Of Fanny Mae And Freddy Mac

by Smitty This is area #234,125 for the GOP to come out with dramatic reform, to convince voters they are not part of the problem: At ~4:00, recent Republican Artur Davis makes a brief appearance. So, he clearly has some insights into the nature of the discussion. It would do my heart proud not only […]

DeMint Hasn’t Departed Senate Yet, Already Placing Markers

by Smitty Breitbart talked to Jim DeMint on the cusp of ejecting from the Senate. The Republican Party used to be very good at targeting voters. We asked the Senator what he thinks happened to the party’s ability to do this well: Well, I think we tend to put political people into positions where we […]

Sen. Rubio Weekly GOP Address

by Smitty Via American Freedom, truly an excellent personal story, excellent ideas, and excellent delivery: Contrast Rubio’s don’t-scare-the-horses delivery with William Kristol at the Daily Standard And the conservative movement?—?a bulwark of American strength for the last several decades?—?is in deep disarray. Reading about some conservative organizations and Republican campaigns these days, one is reminded […]

David Welch, Snake for Hire

In May 2010, during Michael Steele’s chairmanship of the Republican National Committee, research director Jeff Berkowitz resigned and was replaced by David Welch, a 30-something operative who had previously worked on John McCain’s presidential campaigns and for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Welch lasted about a year at the RNC gig and used his “former research director” […]

‘Outreach to the MSM Community’

Listen to internet radio with Fidelis Radio on Blog Talk Radio   Last week, I was interviewed by Rebecca Diserio of Fidelis Radio Network and Monday, Becca Lower posted a transcript of the first half of the interview. Tuesday, Becca posted the second half of the transcript, including this: [Republicans] have people whose expertise — […]

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