The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pete Domenici, Republican Sex Machine

Damn. Is this the Republican Party or an episode of the Maury Povich show?… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) February 21, 2013 You know how, whenever there’s a Democrat scandal, liberal blogs try to pretend like they don’t notice it? I hate that, and so I’m not going to pretend not to notice that […]

The Great Karl Rove Super PAC Scare

Having said nothing about all this previously, my inclination is to discourage pre-emptive panic among grassroots conservatives. Until we get down to cases — in a clear-cut situation where a Republican primary pits a solid conservative against a Establishment RINO type hand-picked by Karl Rove — there’s no point getting all angry or frightened about […]

The Brooks/Parker Cage Match

by Smitty I don’t run around wishing mayhem on people, but I bet a cage match between Star Parker and David Brooks would sell some tickets. Brooks begins an interesting exchange beginning around 9:00: (emphasis mine): There’s been a lot of calls for Republicans to change. And we have seen that from everybody to Paul […]

Republican Auto-Demoralization

It’s amazing how Obama and the Democrats have persuaded John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio to help them destroy the morale of the Republican Party grassroots at the very beginning the 2014 mid-term election cycle. Democrats know that John McCain’s push for “comprehensive immigration reform” (i.e., amnesty) in 2006 andf 2007 demoralized Republicans and […]

If We Had Wanted an Obama-Hugging Sellout, Charlie Crist Would Be a Senator

Marco Rubio leading the RINO Squish Amnesty Parade? After so many conservatives personally vouched for Marco’s bona fides as The Real Deal? Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss: Hey, did someone set the clock back six years in Washington? Because today looks a hell of a lot like the dawn of the […]

Apparently, John McCain Doesn’t Think He’s Done Enough Yet to Destroy the GOP

During Saturday’s panel on immigration at the National Review Summit, Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies made the point that a Republican-backed “comprehensiive” bill would not only fail to win Hispanic support for the GOP, but would actually hurt the party. If any such bill becomes law, Obama and the Democrats would take credit for its […]

Democrats: You Can Never Hate Them Nearly as Much as They Hate You

@rsmccain thank you sir! — David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) January 22, 2013 Last night, I saw a post at an anti-Palin blog that had more than 200 vitriolic comments about the woman they called “the Creature from Lake Lucille.” More than four years after Sarah Palin was the Republican vice-presidential candidate, she still inspires frothing rage […]

WaPo’s Cillizza Says Political Party Power Dying for GOP, But What Does it Mean?

Guest Post by Warner Todd Huston In a recent item at The Fix Blog, Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza focused on the apparent waning power of the Republican Party among the center right coalition. Cillizza makes some good points, of course, but I do have at least one warning to our side over the points Cillizza […]

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